Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 483: Representation of digital video. Image formation models. Spatio-temporal
sampling and sampling structure conversion. Two and three-dimensional
motion estimation techniques. Optical flow, block-based and pel-recursive
methods for motion estimation. Image and video compression methods and standards.
Interframe compression and model-based methods for video compression.
Digital video systems and applications.
(Prerequisite: 310)
ECE 583: Representation of digital video. Image formation models. Spatio-temporal sampling and sampling structure conversion. Two- and three-dimensional motion estimation techniques. Optical flow, block-based and pel-recursive methods for motion estimation. Still image and video compression methods and standards. Interface compression and model-based methods for video compression. Digital video systems and applications. Students are required to complete a project.
Click here for the Course Outline document.
Mondays, Thursdays, 11:30 am - 12:50 pm, on line.
Link is emailed to students registered.
To avoid waiting in the waiting room, join using your Netlink id as described here.
Click here to find Student resources for online learning.
Office Hours:
Days | : Mondays and Thursdays
Time | : 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Location | : on line
1. Recommended
Title | : Video Processing and Communications
Authors | : Y. Wang, J.Ostermann and Y-Q. Zhang
Publisher | : Prentice-Hall
Year | : 2002
2. Recommended
Assigntments | : 5%
Project | : 15%, Due day of Final Exam.
Mid-term | : 25%, Monday, March 1
Final | : 55%
NOTE: Failure to complete the project requirements will result in a grade N.
The final grade obtained from the above marking scheme will be based on the following
percentage-to-grade point conversion.
Information and links to the detailed policies can be found in the course outline.
The University of Victoria is commited to promoting, providing and
protecting a positive, supportive and safe learning and working
enviromrnt for all its members.
More information and links to the detailed policies can be found in the course outline.
You are advised to read the Faculty of Engineering Standards for
Professional Behaviour which
contains important information regarding conduct in courses, in labs and in the general use of facilities.
More information and links to the detailed policies can be found in the course outline.
Continously Modified: Jan-Apr, 2021