Nanoplasmonics Research Lab
Invited Papers
- R. Gordon, "Nanostructured metals for light-based technologies,"
Nanotechnology, 30, 212001 (20 pages) (2019). download
- R. Gordon, "Biosensing with Nanoaperture Optical Tweezers,"
Optics and Laser Technology 109, 328-335 (2019).
- R. Gordon, A. Ahmed, "Reaching the Limits of Enhancement in
(Sub)Nanometer Metal Structures," ACS Photonics 5,
4222-4228 (2018). download
- E. Rahmini, R. Gordon, "Nonlinear Plasmonic Metasurfaces,"
Advanced Optical Materials 6, 1800274 (2018).
- H. Rubinsztein-Dunlop, A. Forbes, M. V. Berry, M. R. Dennis, D. L.
Andrews, M. Mansuripur, C. Denz, C. Alpmann, P. Banzer, T. Bauer, E.
Karimi, L. Marrucci, M. Padgett, M. Ritsch-Marte11, N. M Litchinitser,
N. P. Bigelow, C. Rosales-Guzmán, A. Belmonte, J. P. Torres, T. W.
Neely, M. Baker, R. Gordon, A. B. Stilgoe, J. Romero,
A. G. White, R. Fickler, A. E Willner, G. Xie, B. McMorran,
A. M. Weiner, "Roadmap on Structured Light," J. Optics 19,
013001, (2017).
- R. Gordon, "Sensors: Single-ion detection," Nature
Photonics 10, 697-698 (2016). download
- A. A. Al Balushi, A. Kotnala, S. Wheaton, R. M. Gelfand,
Y. Rajashekara, R. Gordon, "Label-free free-solution nanoaperture optical
tweezers for single molecule protein studies," Analyst
140, 4760 - 4778
(2015). download
- Y. Pang, R. Gordon, "Nanophotonics using a subwavelength aperture
in a metal film," Nanotechnology Reviews,
339-362 (2012).
- R. Gordon, A. G. Brolo, D. Sinton, K. L. Kavanagh, "Resonant Optical
Transmission through Hole-Arrays in Metal Films: Physics and
Applications," Laser and Photonics Reviews 4(2),311-335
- R. Gordon, "Commentary: Extraordinary optical transmission for
surface-plasmon-resonance-based sensing," J. Nanophotonics,
Vol. 2,
020305 (2008).
download free -- open access
- R. Gordon, D. Sinton, K. L. Kavanagh and A. G. Brolo,"A new
generation of sensors
based on extraordinary optical transmission," Accounts of
Research, 41 (8), 1049-1057, (2008).
- D. Sinton R. Gordon A. G. Brolo, "Nanohole arrays in metal films as
optofluidic elements: progress and potential," Microfluidics and
Nanofluidics, 4(1-2), 107-116 (2008)
download .
- P. Marthandam, A. G. Brolo, D. Sinton, K. L. Kavanagh, M. Moffitt, R.
Gordon, "Nanoholes in metals with applications to sensors
and spectroscopy," Int. J. Nanotech., 5, 1058-1081, (2008).
E. Rakhmatov, A. Alizadehkhaledi, G. Hajisalem, R. Gordon, "Bright
upconverted emission from light-induced inelastic tunneling,"
Optics Express, 28(11), 16497-16510 (2020). download
A. Alizadehkhaledi, A. Frencken, F. C.J.M. van Veggel, R. Gordon,
"Isolating Nanocrystals with an Individual Erbium Emitter:
A Route to a Stable Single-Photon Source at 1550 nm Wavelength"
Nano Lett. 20, 1018-1022 (2020). download
- J. Burkhartsmeyer,Y. Wang, K. S.
Wong, R. Gordon
"Optical Trapping, Sizing, and Probing Acoustic Modes
of a Small Virus" Appl. Sci. 10, 394 (2020)
- Y. Wang, J. Wu, S. Moradi, R. Gordon, "Generating and
Detecting High-Frequency Liquid-Based Sound Resonances with
Nanoplasmonics," Nano Letters 19, 7050-7053 (2019). download
- R. L. Peck, A. G. Brolo, R. Gordon, "Absorption leads to
narrower plasmonic resonances," J. Optical Society of America B
36, F117-F122 (2019). download
- E. Babaei, Z. Sharifi, R. Gordon, "Improving sensitivity of existing
surface plasmon resonance systems with grating-coupled short-range surface
plasmons," J. Optical Society of America B 36, F144-F148
(2019). download
- Adarsh Lalitha Ravindranath, Mirali Seyed Shariatdoust,
Samuel Mathew, and Reuven Gordon, "Colloidal lithography double-nanohole
optical trapping of nanoparticles and proteins," Optics Express
27, 16184-16194 (2019) download
- M. Kamandar Dezfouli, R. Gordon, S. Hughes, "Molecular optomechanics
in the anharmonic cavity-QED regime using hybrid metal-dielectric cavity
modes," ACS Photonics 6, 1400-1408 (2019). download
- J. M. Etaiba, R. Gordon, "Beaming light through a bow-tie
nanoaperture at the tip of a single-mode optical fiber," Optics
Express 27, 14112-14120, (2019). download
- A. Alizadehkhaledi, A. L. Frencken, M. Kamandar
Dezfouli, S. Hughes, F. C. J.
M. van Veggel, R. Gordon, "Cascaded Plasmon-Enhanced Emission from a
Single Upconverting Nanocrystal," ACS Photonics 6,
1125-1131 (2019). download
- E. Rahimi, H. Xu, B.-C. Choi, R. Gordon, "Lorentz
Nanoplasmonics for Nonlinear Generation," Nano Letters 18
(12), pp 8030-8034
(2018). download
- M. Seyed Shariatdoust, A. Frencken, A. Khademi,
A. Alizadehkhaledi, F. van Veggel, R. Gordon, "Harvesting dual-wavelength
excitation with plasmon-enhanced emission from upconverting
nanoparticles," ACS Photonics 5, 3507-3512 (2018). download
- A. Khademi, T. DeWolf, R. Gordon, "Quantum plasmonic
epsilon near zero: field enhancement and cloaking," Optics Express
26(12), 15656-15664 (2018).
- D. Yoo, G. K. Laxminarayana, H.-K. Choi, D. A. Mohr, C.
T. Ertsgaard, R. Gordon, S.-H. Oh, "Low-Power Optical Trapping of
Nanoparticles and Proteins with Resonant Coaxial Nanoaperture Using 10 nm
Gap," Nano Letters 18, 3637-3642 (2018). download
- N. Hacohen, C. J. X. Ip, R. Gordon, "Analysis of Egg White Protein
Composition with Double Nanohole Optical Tweezers," ACS Omega
3, 5266-5272 (2018). download
- J. M. Ehtaiba, R. Gordon, "Template-stripped nanoaperture
tweezer integrated with optical fiber," Optics Express 26,
9607-9613 (2018).
- C. C. Hsueh, R. Gordon, J. Rottler, "Dewetting during Terahertz
Vibrations of Nanoparticles," Nano Letters 18 (2),
773-777 (2018). download
- M. M. Matoug, R. Gordon, "Crude Oil Asphaltenes Studied by Terahertz
Spectroscopy," ACS Omega, 3 (3), 3406-3412 (2018). download
- B. C. Choi, H. Xu, G. Hajisalem, R. Gordon, "Localized surface
plasmon resonance enhanced magneto-optical Kerr
effect in Ni80Fe20 thin films coated with Au nanorods", Applied
Physics Letters 112, 022403 (2018).
- T. DeWolf, R. Gordon, "Complex coupled mode theory
electromagnetic mode solver," Optics Express 25(23),
28337-28351 (2017).
- A. Jooshesh, F. Fesharaki, V. Bahrami-Yekta,
M. Mahtab, T. Tiedje, T. E. Darcie, R. Gordon, "Plasmon-enhanced
LT-GaAs/AlAs heterostructure photoconductive antennas for sub-bandgap
terahertz generation," Optics Express 25, 22140-22148
(2017). download
- S. Chen, R. Gordon, "An Analytic Approach to Nanofocusing
with Pyramidal Horn Antennas," Plasmonics (2017). download
- F. Fesharaki, A. Jooshesh, V. Bahrami-Yekta,
M. Mahtab, T. Tiedje, T. E. Darcie, R. Gordon, "Plasmonic Antireflection
Coating for Photoconductive Terahertz Generation," ACS Photonics
4, 1350-1354 (2017).
- D. Xiang, J. Wu, R. Gordon, "Coulomb Blockade Plasmonic
Switch," Nano Letters, 17 (4), 2584-2588 (2017).
- G. Hajisalem, M. S. Nezami, R. Gordon, "Switchable Metal-Insulator
Phase Transition Metamaterial," Nano Letters 17,
2940-2944 (2017).
- M. Ghorbanzadeh, S. Jones, M. K. Moravvej-Farshi, R. Gordon, "
Improvement of Sensing and Trapping Efficiency of Double Nanohole
Apertures via Enhancing the Wedge Plasmon Polariton Modes with Tapered
Cusps," ACS Photonics 4, 1108-1113 (2017).
- M. K. Dezfouli, R. Gordon, S. Hughes, "Modal theory of
modified spontaneous emission of a quantum emitter in a hybrid plasmonic
photonic-crystal cavity system," Phys. Rev. A 95, 013846
- J. Wu, D. Xiang, R. Gordon, "Monitoring Gold Nanoparticle Growth in
situ via the Acoustic Vibrations Probed by Four-Wave Mixing," Anal.
Chem. , 89 (4), 2196-2200 (2017). download
J. Wu, D. Xiang, G. Hajisalem, F.C. Lin, J.S. Huang, R. Gordon, "Probing
the acoustic vibrations of complex-shaped metal nanoparticles with
four-wave mixing," Optics Express 24, 23747-23754 (2016).
- W. Li, N.W. Kuehne, E. Dallin, R. Gordon, F. Hof, "A supramolecular
indicator displacement assay for acetyl amantadine, a proxy biomarker for
spermidine/spermine N 1-acetyltransferase (SSAT) activity,"
Canadian Journal of Chemistry 94, 969-975 (2016).
- T. DeWolf, R. Gordon, "Theory of Acoustic Raman Modes in
Proteins," Physical Review Letters 117, 138101 (2016). download
- D. Xiang, J. Wu, J. Rottler, R. Gordon. "Threshold
Terahertz Resonance of Nanoparticles in Water," Nano Letters
16 (6), 3638-3641(2016).
- D. Xiang, R. Gordon. "Nanoparticle Acoustic Resonance Enhanced Nearly
Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing," ACS Photonics 3,
1421-1425. download
- M. S. Nezami, D. Yoo, G. Hajisalem, S.-H. Oh, R. Gordon. "Gap Plasmon
Enhanced Metasurface Third-Harmonic Generation in Transmission Geometry,"
ACS Photonics (2016). download
- J. Wu, D. Xiang, R. Gordon, "Characterizing gold nanorods in aqueous
solution by acoustic vibrations probed with four-wave mixing," Opt.
Express 24(12), 12458-12465 (2016).
download .
- H. Xu, S. Jones, B.-C. Choi, R. Gordon.
"Characterization of Individual Magnetic Nanoparticles in Solution by
Double Nanohole Optical Tweezers," Nano Letters 16,
2639-2643 (2016).
- M. S. Nezami, R. Gordon, "Localized and propagating surface
plasmon resonances in aperture-based third harmonic generation,"
Optics Express 23, 32006-32014 (2015). download
- A. Jooshesh, V. Bahrami-Yekta, J. Zhang, T.
Tiedje, T. E. Darcie, R. Gordon, "Plasmon-Enhanced below Bandgap
Photoconductive Terahertz Generation and Detection," Nano Letters
15, 8306-8310 (2015). download
- H. Xu, G. Hajisalem, G. M. Steeves, R. Gordon, B. C. Choi, "Nanorod Surface Plasmon Enhancement of Laser-Induced Ultrafast Demagnetization,"
Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 15933 (2015). download
- Y. Chen, A. Kotnala, L. Yu, J. Zhang,
R. Gordon, "Wedge and gap plasmonic resonances in double nanoholes,"
Opt. Express 23, 30227-30236 (2015). download
- R. Regmi, A. A. Al Balushi, H. Rigneault, R. Gordon,
J. Wenger, "Nanoscale volume confinement and fluorescence enhancement
with double nanohole aperture," Scientific Reports 5,
15852 (2015).
- S. Jones, A. A. Al Balushi, R. Gordon, "Raman spectroscopy
of single nanoparticles in a double-nanohole optical tweezer system," J.
Opt. (Fast Track Communication) 17, 102001, (2015).
- Ghazal Hajisalem, Dennis K. Hore, and Reuven Gordon,
"Interband transition enhanced third harmonic generation from
nanoplasmonic gold," Opt. Mater. Express 5, 2217-2224 (2015). download .
- Y. Chen, L. Yu, J. Zhang, R. Gordon, "Effective wavelength
scaling of rectangular aperture antennas," Optics Express,
23, 10385-10395 (2015).
- S. Wheaton and R. Gordon, "Molecular Weight
Characterization of Globular Proteins using Optical Nanotweezers,"
Analyst 140, 4799 - 4803 (2015).
- W. Su, X. Li, J. Bornemann and R. Gordon, "Theory of nanorod antenna
resonances including end-reflection phase," Phys. Rev. B
91, 165401 (2015).
- S. Wheaton, R. M. Gelfand, R. Gordon, "Probing the
Raman-active acoustic vibrations of nanoparticles with extraordinary
spectral resolution," Nature Photonics 9, 68-72 (2015). download
- A. Kotnala, S. Wheaton, R. Gordon, "Playing the notes of DNA with
light: extremely high frequency nanomechanical oscillations,"
Nanoscale, 7, 2295-2300 (2015). download
- G. Hajisalem, M. S. Nezami, R. Gordon, "Probing the quantum
tunneling limit of plasmonic enhancement by third harmonic generation,"
Nano Letters 14(11),6651-6654 (2014). download
- A. Zehtabi-Oskuie, A. A. Zinck, R. M Gelfand, R. Gordon, "Template
stripped double nanohole in a gold film for nano-optical tweezers,"
Nanotechnology 25, 495301 (2014). download
- A. Jooshesh, L. Smith, M. Masnadi-Shirazi, V.
Bahrami-Yekta, T. Tiedje, T. E. Darcie, R. Gordon,
"Nanoplasmonics Enhanced Terahertz Sources," Optics Express,
22(23), 27992-28001 (2014). download
- R. M. Gelfand, S. Wheaton, R. Gordon, "Cleaved fiber optic
double nanohole optical tweezers for trapping nanoparticles,"
Optics Letters, 39(22), 6415-6417 (2014). download
- Jian Wu, Wei Li, Ghazal Hajisalem, Ariella Lukach, Eugenia Kumacheva,
Fraser Hof, and Reuven Gordon, "Trace cancer biomarker quantification
using polystyrene-functionalized gold nanorods," Biomedical Optics
Express, 5(12), 4101-4107 (2014). download
- A. A. Al Balushi, R. Gordon, "A Label-Free Untethered
Approach to Single-Molecule Protein Binding Kinetics," Nano Letters
14 (10), 5787-5791 (2014). download
- G. Cao, G. Hajisalem, W. Li, F. Hof, R. Gordon,
"Quantification of an exogeneous cancer biomarker in urinalysis by Raman
spectroscopy," Analyst 139, 5375-5378 (2014). download
- S. Chen, S. Jin, R. Gordon, "Subdiffraction Focusing
Enabled by a Fano Resonance," PRX , 4, 031021, (2014). download
- A. Kotnala, R. Gordon, "Double nanohole optical tweezers
visualize protein p53 suppressing unzipping of single DNA-hairpins,"
Biomedical Optics Express, 5(6), 1886-1894 (2014). download
- S. Chen, S. Jin, R. Gordon, "Super-transmission from a finite
subwavelength arrangement of slits in a metal film", Optics
Express, 22(11), 13418-13426 (2014). download
- A. A. Al Balushi, R. Gordon, "
Label-Free Free-Solution Single-Molecule Protein.Small Molecule
Interaction Observed by Double-Nanohole Plasmonic Trapping," ACS
Photonics, 1(5), 389-393 (2014).
- G. Hajisalem, Q. Min, R. Gelfand, R. Gordon, "Effect of
surface roughness on self-assembled monolayer plasmonic ruler in nonlocal
regime," Optics Express, 22(8), 9604-9610 (2014).
- A. Kotnala, R. Gordon, "Quantification of High-Efficiency
Trapping of Nanoparticles in a Double Nanohole Optical Tweezer,"
Nano Letters , 14 (2), 853-856 (2014).
- A. Kotnala, D. DePaoli, R. Gordon, "Sensing Nanoparticles
Using a Double Nanohole Optical Trap," Lab Chip , 13,
4142-4146 (2013).
- A. Al Balushi, A. Zehtabi-Oskuie, R. Gordon, "Observing
single protein binding by optical transmission through a double nanohole
aperture in a metal film," Biomedical Optics Express,
4(9), 1504-1511 (2013).
- B. Heshmat, M. Masnadi-Shirazi, R. B. Lewis,
J. Zhang, T. Tiedje, R. Gordon and T. E. Darcie, "Enhanced Terahertz
Bandwidth and Power from GaAsBi-based Sources," Advanced Optical
Materials, 1(10), 714-719 (2013). download
- K. Liu, A. Ahmed, S. Chung, K. Sugikawa, G. Wu, Z. Nie, R.
Gordon, E. Kumacheva, "In Situ Plasmonic Counter for Polymerization of
Nanorods in Solution," ACS Nano , 7(7), 5901-5910(2013).
- H. Jiang, R. Gordon, "Nonlinear Plasmonics:
Four-photon nearfield photolithography using optical antennas,"
Plasmonics, 8(4), 1655-1665 (2013).
- G. A. Cervantes Tellez, S. Hassan, R. N. Tait, P. Berini,
R. Gordon, "Atomically Flat Symmetric Elliptical Nanohole Arrays in a Gold
Film for Ultrasensitive Refractive Index Sensing," Lab Chip,
13, 2541-2546(2013).
- A. Zehtabi-Oskuie, H. Jiang, B. Cyr, D. Rennehan, A.
Al-Balushi, R Gordon, "Double nanohole optical trapping: Dynamics and
protein-antibody co-trapping," Lab Chip, 13, 2563-2568
- C. Escobedo, Y.-W. Chou, M. Rahman, X. Duan,
R. Gordon, D. Sinton, A. G. Brolo, J. Ferreira,
"Quantification of ovarian cancer markers with integrated microfluidic
concentration gradient and imaging nanohole surface plasmon resonance,"
Analyst 138, 1450-1458 (2013). download
- J. Bergeron, A. Zehtabi-Oskuie, S. Ghaffari, Y. Pang, R. Gordon,
"Optical Trapping of Nanoparticles," J. Vis. Exp. (71),
e4424 (2013). download
Open access sponsored by Thorlabs .
- C. Zamecnik, A. Ahmed, C. Walters, R. Gordon, G. C. Walker, "SERS
using Lipid Encapsulated Plasmonic Nanoparticles and J-Aggregates to
Create Locally Enhanced Electric Fields," J. Phys. Chem. C
117(4), 1879-1886 (2013).
- G. Hajisalem, A. Ahmed, Y. Pang, R. Gordon, "Plasmon hybridization
for enhanced nonlinear optical response," Optics Express,
20(28), 29923-29930 (2012). download
- A. Zehtabi-Oskuie, J. G. Bergeron, R. Gordon, "Flow-dependent
double-nanohole optical trapping of 20 nm polystyrene nanospheres,"
Scientific Reports, 2, 966 (2012). download
- B. Heshmat, H. Pahlevaninezhad, Y., Pang, M. Masnadi-Shirazi, R. B.
Lewis, T. Tiedje, R. Gordon, T. E. Darcie, "Nanoplasmonic Terahertz
Photoconductive Switch on GaAs," Nano Letters, 12(12),
6255-6259 (2012).
- G. Cervantes Tellez, A. Ahmed, R. Gordon, "Optimizing the resolution
of nanohole arrays in metal films for refractive-index sensing,"
Physics A: Materials Science and Processing , 109(4), 775-780 (2012). download
- I. Mukherjee, R. Gordon, "Analysis of hybrid plasmonic-photonic
crystal structures using perturbation theory," Optics Express
20(15), 16992-17000 (2012). download
- Z. Mohammadi, C. P. van Vlack, S. Hughes, J. Bornemann, R. Gordon,
"Vortex electron energy loss spectroscopy
for near-field mapping of magnetic
plasmons," Optics Express 20(14), 15024-15034 (2012).
- A. Ahmed, R. Gordon, "Single Molecule Directivity Enhanced Raman
Scattering using Nanoantennas," Nano Letters 12(5),
2625-2630, (2012).
- R. Gordon, "Limits for superfocusing with evanescent wave
amplification," Optics Letters 37(5), 912-914, (2012).
- A. Lee, A. Ahmed, D. P. dos Santos. N. Coombs, J. I. Park, R.
Gordon, A. G. Brolo, E. Kumacheva, "Side-by-Side Assembly of Gold Nanorods
Reduces Ensemble-Averaged SERS Intensity," J. Physical Chemistry C
116(9), 5538-5545
- C. Escobedo, C., A. G. Brolo, R. Gordon, D. Sinton, "Optofluidic
Concentration: Plasmonic Nanostructure as Concentrator and Sensor,"
Letters 12(3), 1592-1596 (2012).
- J. Ferreira, F. S. Teixeira, A. R. Zanatta, M. C. Salvadoi, R.
Gordon, O. N. Oliveira, "Tailored SERS substrates obtained with cathodic
arc plasma ion implantation of gold nanoparticles into a polymer matrix,"
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, 2050-2055, (2012).
- A. Ahmed, Y. Pang, G. Hajisalem, R. Gordon, "Antenna Design for
Directivity-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy," Int. J. Optics,
2012, 729138, (2012).
- Y. Pang, R. Gordon, "Optical trapping of a single
Nano Letters , 12(1), 402-406 (2012).
- G. F. S. Andrade, Q. Min, R. Gordon, A. G. Brolo, "Surface-Enhanced
Resonance Raman Scattering on Gold Concentric Rings: Polarization
Dependence and Intensity Fluctuations," J. Phys. Chem. C
116(4), 2672-2676 (2012).
- I. Mukherjee, G. Hajisalem, R. Gordon, "One-step integration of metal
nanoparticle in photonic crystal nanobeam cavity," Optics Express
19(23), 22462-22469 (2011).
- S. Bin Hasan, R. Filter, A. Ahmed, R.
Vogelgesang, R. Gordon, C. Rockstuhl, F. Lederer, "Relating localized
nanoparticle resonances to an associated antenna problem," Phys.
Rev. B 84, 195405 (2011). download
- C. Escobedo, S. Vincent, A. I. K. Choudhury, J. Campbell,
A. G. Brolo, D. Sinton, R. Gordon, Integrated nanohole array surface
plasmon resonance sensing device using a dual-wavelength source, J.
Micromechanics and Microengineering , 21(11) 115001 (2011).
- Y. Pang, R. Gordon, "Optical Trapping of 12 nm Dielectric Spheres
Using Double-Nanoholes in a Gold Film," Nano Letters 11
(9), 3763-3767,
(2011). download
- S.F. Romanuik, S.M. Grist, B.L. Gray, D. Hohertz,
K.L. Kavanagh, N. Gulzar, J.K. Scott, R. Nirwan, C. Hui, A.G. Brolo,
R. Gordon "Detecting Antibodies Secreted by Trapped Cells Using
Extraordinary Optical Transmission," IEEE Sensors 11(11),
2732-2739 (2011).
- A-P. Blanchard-Dionne, L. Guyot, S. Patskovsky, R. Gordon, M.
Meunier, "Intensity based surface plasmon resonance sensor using a
nanohole rectangular array," Optics Express 19(16),
15041-15046 (2011).
- A. Ahmed, R. Gordon, "Directivity Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy using
Nanoantennas", Nano Letters 11(4), 1800-1803 (2011).
- M. Das, D. Hohertz, R. Nirwan, A. Brolo, K. Kavanagh, R. Gordon,
"Improved performance of nanohole surface plasmon resonance sensors by the
integrated response method," IEEE Photonics Journal
3(3) 441-449, (2011).
- A. Lee, G. F. S. Andrade, A. Ahmed, M. L. Souza, N. Coombs, E.
Tumarkin, K. Liu, R. Gordon, A. G. Brolo, E. Kumacheva, "Probing Dynamic
Generation of Hot-Spots in Self-Assembled Chains of Gold Nanorods by
Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering," J. Am. Chem. Soc.
133 (19), 7563-7570 (2011).
- S. F. Romanuik, S. M. Grist, M. Haq, B. L. Gray,
N. Gulzar, J. K. Scott, D. Hohertz, K. L. Kavanagh, R. Nirwan, C Hui, A.
G. Brolo, R. Gordon, "Microfluidic Trapping of Antibody-secreting Cells,"
J. Medical and Biological Engineering 31(2), 121-128
- B. Heshmat,
D. Li, T. E. Darcie, R. Gordon,
"Tuning plasmonic resonances of an annular aperture in metal plate,"
Optics Express
19(7), 5912-5923 (2011).
A. Weber-Bargioni, A. Schwartzberg, M. Cornaglia, A.
Ismach, J. J. Urban, Y. Pang, R. Gordon, J. Bokor,
M. B. Salmeron, D. F. Ogletree, P. Ashby, S. Cabrini, P.
J. Schuck,
"Hyperspectral Nanoscale Imaging on Dielectric Substrates with Coaxial
Optical Antenna Scan Probes,"
Nano Letters 11 (3), 1201-1207 (2011).
Q. Min, Y. Pang, D. J. Collins, N. A. Kuklev, K. Gottselig, D. W.
Steuerman, R. Gordon,
"Substrate-based platform for boosting the surface-enhanced Raman of
plasmonic nanoparticles,"
Optics Express
19(2), 1648-1655 (2011).
- L. Neumann., Y. Pang, A. Houyou., M. L. Juan., R.
Gordon, N. F. van Hulst, "Extraordinary Optical Transmission Brightens
Near-Field Fiber Probe," Nano Letters 11(2), 355-360
- C. Escobedo, A. G. Brolo., R. Gordon, D.
Sinton, "Flow-Through vs Flow-Over: Analysis of Transport and Binding in
Nanohole Array Plasmonic Biosensors," Analytical Chemistry
82(24), 10015-10020, (2010).
- D. Li, R. Gordon, "Electromagnetic transmission resonances for a
single annular aperture in a metal plate," Phys. Rev. A 82,
041801(R) (2010).
- A. Ahmed, M. Liscidini, R. Gordon, "Design and
of High-Index-Contrast Gratings Using Coupled Mode Theory," IEEE
Journal , 2(6), 884-893, (2010). download
- Q. Min, C. Chen, P. Berini, R. Gordon, "Long
range surface plasmons on asymmetric suspended thin film structures for
biosensing applications," Opt. Express 18, 19009-19019
- M. L. Juan, R.Gordon, Y. Pang, F. Eftekhari, R. Quidant,"Self-induced
back-action optical trapping of dielectric
nanoparticles," Nature Physics, 5, 915-919 (2009).
- R. Gordon, "Reflection of Cylindrical Surface Waves," Optics Express,
17(21), 18621-18629, (2009).
download .
- R. Gordon, "Proposal for superfocusing at visible wavelengths using
radiationless interference of a plasmonic array," Physical Review
102, 207402 (2009).
download .
- Q. Min and R. Gordon, "Squeezing light into subwavelength metallic
tapers: single mode matching method," J. Nanophoton. , 3,
(2009). download free --
open access .
- Fatemeh Eftekhari, Carlos Escobedo, Jacqueline Ferreira, Xiaobo Duan,
Emerson M. Girotto, Alexandre G. Brolo, Reuven Gordon, David Sinton,
"Nanoholes as Nanochannels: Flow-through Plasmonic Sensing,"
Analytical Chemistry 81 (11),4308-4311, (2009).
- R. Gordon, A. I. K.
T. Lu "Gap plasmon mode of eccentric coaxial metal waveguide,"
Optics Express
17(7), 5311-5320,
- Y. Pang, A. N. Hone, P. P. M. So and R. Gordon,
"Total optical transmission through a small hole in a metal waveguide
Optics Express
17(6), 4433-4441,
- Y. Pang and R. Gordon,
"Metal nano-grid reflective wave plate," Optics Express
17(4), 2871-2879,
- Jacqueline Ferreira, Marcos J. L. Santos, Mohammad M. Rahman,
Alexandre G. Brolo, Reuven Gordon, David Sinton and Emerson M. Girotto,
"Attomolar Protein Detection Using in-Hole Surface Plasmon Resonance,"
Am. Chem. Soc. , 131(2), 436-437 (2009).
- Q. Min, Marcos J. L. Santos, E. M. Girotto, A. G. Brolo, R. Gordon
"Localized Raman Enhancement from a Double-Hole Nanostructure in a Metal Film,"
J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (39), 15098-15101, (2008).
- J. Anema, P. Marthandam, R. Gordon, A. G. Brolo "
Enhanced Raman Scattering from Nanoholes in a Copper Film," J.
Phys. Chem. C,
112 (44), pp 17051-17055, (2008).
- M. T. Cha and R. Gordon, "Spatially Filtered Feedback for
Mode Control in Vertical-Cavity
Surface-Emitting Lasers," IEEE/OSA J.
Lightwave Technology, 26(24), 3892-3900, (2008).
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- J. T. Blakely, R. Gordon and D. Sinton, "Flow-Dependent Optofluidic
Particle Trapping and Circulation," Lab on Chip
8, 1350 - 1356, (2008).
- R. Gordon, R., M. Kawano, J.T. Blakely and D. Sinton,
"Optohydrodynamic theory of particles in a dual-beam optical trap,"
Physical Review B 77(24), 245125, (2008).
- Q. Min and R. Gordon, "Surface Plasmon Microcavity for Resonant
Transmission through a Slit in a Gold Film," Optics
Express, 16(13),
9708-9713 (2008).
- F. Eftekhari, R. Gordon , J. Ferreira , A. G. Brolo, Dave Sinton,
"Polarization-dependent sensing of a self-assembled monolayer
using biaxial nanohole arrays,"
Physics Letters 92, 253103 (2008).
- M. Kawano, R. Gordon, J. T. Blakely, D. Sinton, "Theory of
dielectric microsphere dynamics in a dual-beam optical trap,"
Express, 16(13), p. 9306-9317 (2008).
- F. Afshinmanesh, A. Marandi, P.P.M. So, R. Gordon, "Proposal for
Compact Optical Filters Using Large Index Step Binary
Super-Gratings," IEEE Photonics Tech. Lett., 20(9), 676-678
- F. Eftekhari, R. Gordon, "Enhanced second harmonic generation from
non-centrosymmetric nano-hole arrays in a gold film," IEEE
14(6), 1552-1558 (2008).
- Q. Min, B. Claus, P. Marthandam and R. Gordon, "Plasmonic Bragg
Optimization and Application to Isolation," IEEE J. Selected Topics
Electronics 14(6), p. 1502-1508, (2008).
- R. Gordon, "Bethe's theory for aperture arrays," Phys. Rev.
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- P. Marthandam and R. Gordon, "Polarization-controlled diffraction
from a quasicrystal nanohole
array in a gold film," J. Opt. A, 9, 1140-1143, (2007) download .
- P. Marthandam and R. Gordon, "Plasmonic Bragg reflectors for enhanced
extraordinary optical transmission through
nano-hole arrays in a gold film," Optics Express, Vol. 15,
Issue 20, pp.
12995-13002, (2007)
- F. Eftekhari and R. Gordon, "Geometric optics method for surface
plasmon integrated circuits," Optics Express, Vol. 15,
Issue 18, pp. 11595-11600, (2007).
- R. Gordon, "Angle-dependent optical transmission through a narrow
slit in a thick metal film," Phys. Rev. B., 75, 193401
- R. Gordon, J. T. Blakely, D. Sinton, "Particle Optical
Self-Trapping," Phys. Rev. A. , 75, 055801 (2007).
- A. De Leebeeck, L. K. S. Kumar, V. de Lange, D. Sinton, R. Gordon, A.
G. Brolo, "On-Chip Surface-Based Detection with Nano-Hole Arrays,"
Analytical Chemistry , 79(11), 4094 - 4100
- M. C. Hughes and R. Gordon, "Optical transmission properties and
enhanced loss for randomly positioned apertures in a metal
film," Applied Physics B, 87(2), 239-242 (2007).
- A. Lesuffleur, L. K. S. Kumar, A. G. Brolo, K. L. Kavanagh, and
R. Gordon, "Apex-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Using Double-Hole Arrays in a
Gold Film," J. Phys. Chem. C. , 111(6), 2347 -
2350 (2007).
- V. de Lange, K. Sun, and R. Gordon, "Inside vertical-cavity
surface-emitting lasers: Extracting the refractive index from
spatial-spectral mode images," IEEE J. Quant. Electronics,
43(3), 225-229.
- A. Lesuffleur, L.K.S. Kumar, and R. Gordon, "Apex-enhanced
second-harmonic generation by using double-hole arrays in a gold film,"
Phys. Rev. B. 75(04), 045423 (2007).
- R. Gordon, "Vectorial method for calculating the Fresnel reflection
of surface plasmon polaritons,"
Physical Review B 74(15), 153417, (2006).
- L. K. S. Kumar, R. Gordon, "Overlapping
double-hole nanostructure in a metal film for localized field
enhancement," IEEE J. Special Topics Quantum Electronics ,
12(6), 1228-1232 (2006).
- R. Gordon, "Non-degenerate phase-locking of a semiconductor laser
by sideband injection," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters ,
18(21), 2248-2250, (2006).
- F. J. Garcia-Vidal, L. Martin-Moreno, E. Moreno, L.K.S.
Kumar, and R. Gordon, "Transmission of light through a single rectangular
hole in a real metal," Physical Review B , 74(15),
153411 (2006).
- L. K. S. Kumar, A. Lesuffleur, and R. Gordon, "Double nanohole
apex-enhanced transmission in metal films," Applied Physics B
84, 25-28, (2006).
- A. Lesuffleur, L.K.S. Kumar, R. Gordon, "Enhanced second
harmonic generation
from nanoscale double-hole arrays in a gold film," Applied Physics
Letters , 88(26), 261104, (2006).
- R. Gordon,"Near-field interference in subwavelength
double-slit in a perfect
conductor," Journal of Optics A , 8, L1-L3, (2006).
- R. Gordon, L.K.S. Kumar, A.G. Brolo, "Resonant light
transmission through a
nanohole in a metal film," IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology
5, 291-294, (2006).
- A. G. Brolo, Shing C. Kwok, M.D. Cooper, M.G. Moffitt, C.-W. Wang, R.
Gordon, J.
Riordon, K. L. Kavanagh, "Surface plasmon-quantum dot
coupling from
arrays of nanoholes," Journal of Physical Chemistry A ,
110, 8307-8313 (2006).
- R. Gordon, "Light in a subwavelength slit in a metal: Propagation
and reflection," Physical Review B , 73(15), 153405,
- R. Gordon, "Fabry-Perot semiconductor laser
injection locking," IEEE Journal of
Quantum Electronics , 42, 353-355 (2006).
- A. G. Brolo, S. C. Kwok, M. G. Moffitt, R. Gordon,
J. Riordon, and K. L. Kavanagh, "Enhanced Fluorescence from Arrays
of Nanoholes in a Gold Film," J. Am. Chem. Soc.
14936 - 14941, (2005).
- R. Gordon, M. Hughes, B. Leathem, K. L. Kavanagh, and A. G. Brolo,
"Basis and Lattice Polarization Mechanisms for Light Transmission through
Nanohole Arrays in a Metal Film," Nano Letters 5(7),
1243-1246, (2005).
- R. Gordon and A. G. Brolo, "Increased cut-off wavelength for a
subwavelength hole in a real metal," Optics Express ,
13(6), 1933-1938, (2005).
- R. Gordon, "Harmonic oscillation in a spatially finite array
waveguide," Optics Letters 29(23), 2752-2754,
- A. G. Brolo, E. Arctander, R. Gordon, B. Leathem, and
Karen L. Kavanagh, "Nanohole-Enhanced Raman Scattering,"
Nano Letters 4(10), 2015-2018 (2004).
- A. G. Brolo, R. Gordon, B. Leathem, and K. L. Kavanagh, "Surface
plasmon sensor based on the enhanced light transmission through arrays of
nanoholes in gold films," Langmuir 20(12), 4813-4815,
R. Gordon, A. G. Brolo, A. McKinnon, A. Rajora, B. Leathem, K. L.
"Strong polarization in the optical transmission through elliptical
nanohole arrays,"
Physical Review Letters
92(3), 037401 (2004).
R. Gordon, A. P. Heberle, J. R. A. Cleaver,
"Measuring the above-threshold group-velocity dispersion and gain
curvature of a semiconductor laser by pulse propagation techniques,"
J. Opt. Soc. America B
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R. Gordon, A. P. Heberle, J. R. A. Cleaver,
"Transverse Mode-locking in Microcavity Lasers,"
Applied Physics Letters,
81(24), 4523-4525 (2002).
R. Gordon, A. P. Heberle, A. J. Ramsay, J. R. A. Cleaver,
"Experimental Coherent Control of Lasers,"
Physical Review A
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R. Gordon, J. M. Xu, "Lateral Mode Dynamics of
Lasers," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 35(12),
1904-1911 (1999).
X. Fu, G. L. Tan, R. Gordon, J. M. Xu, "3rd Order
Nonlinearity Induced Frequency Locking in High Power Operation of Narrow
Ridge Semiconductor Lasers," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics
34(12), 1147-1454 (1998).
I. A. Avrutsky, R. Gordon, R. Clayton, J. M. Xu,
"Investigations of the Spectral Characteristics of 980-nm
InGaAs-GaAs-AlGaAs Lasers," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics
1801-1809 (1997).
- R. Gordon, S. Wheaton, R. Gelfand, "Laser tweezer system for
measuring acoustic vibrations of nanoparticles," Provisional Patent
Application No. 61/992,831, May 13, 2014.
- C. Escobedo, D. Sinton, R. Gordon, A. G. Brolo,"Flow Through
Metallic Nanohole Arrays," USPTO Patent Application 13/110,598 Filed May
18, 2011.
- Y. Pang, R. Gordon, "System for trapping and modifying single
protein molecules using a double nanohole structure," USPTO Patent
Application 61/682,642, Filed August 13, 2012.
- T. Darcie, R. Gordon, B. Heshmat, "Improved interlaced terahertz
transceiver using plasmonics resonance," USPTO Patent
61/714,626, Filed October 16, 2012, granted 2014.
- R. Gordon, B. Cheng, R. Bux, B. Ramjiawam, A. Ahmed, F. A. Hof,
"Detection and quantification of acetylamantadine in urine samples," USPTO
Patent Application 61/785,159, Filed March 14, 2013.
A. P. Heberle, R. Gordon, T. Tanaka, "Optical Pulse Generator," Hitachi
EP1317035 , published on 04.06.03.
A. P. Heberle, R. Gordon, T. Tanaka, "Optical Pulse Generator," Hitachi
Ltd., Japan JP2003168840 .
Magazine Contributions
- R. Gordon, "Surface Plasmon Nanophotonics: A Tutorial", IEEE
Nanotechnology Magazine,
2(3), 12-18, (2008).
- R. Gordon, "Nanoplasmonics: Reaching out to the Single Molecule,"
IEEE Photonics Society Newsletter, 26(6), 4-8 (2012). download
Book Chapters
- R. Gordon, "Probing of Magnetic Plasmons with Vortex Electron
Beams," in Singular and Chiral Nanoplasmonics, ed. S. Borinska and N.
Zheludev, Pan Stanford, (2014).
- A. G. Brolo, R. Gordon and D. Sinton, "Nanohole
Arrays in Metal Films as Integrated Chemical Sensors and Biosensors", in
"Optical Guided-wave Chemical and Biosensors I" Ed. M. Zourob, A.
Lakhtakia, Springer (2010).
- D. Sinton, R. Gordon, and A. G. Brolo, "Nanoplasmonics and
Optofluidics" in "CRC Handbook on Optofluidics" Ed. A. R. Hawkins, H.
Schmidt, CRC Press, (2010).