Design and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks

(CENG 461/ELEC 514)

Overview: The goal of the course is to introduce the fundamental concepts,  mathematical tools and techniques, and  how to apply them to solve practical problems in computer communication networks.  The course is appropriate for both undergraduate students and graduate students. Graduate students will be expected to undertake course projects.
Course Description: Probability, random variables and distributions. Random number generation. Transient and steady-state analysis of Markov chains. Queuing theory and networks of queues. Performance analysis of Local Area Networks (LAN) and Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). Telecommunications traffic modeling. Markov modulated and self-similar traffic.  Interconnection networks and their modeling. 

Prerequisites: elementary probability and statistics (STAT 254 or 260); CENG 460 or CSC450 may be taken concurrently.

Dr. Lin Cai, EOW317, cai at,

Office Hours: 
Mon/Thur 13:00-14:30,  EOW 317.

[Lecture Schedule]

ELEC 514 course project instruction: [Link]

Reading List: [Link]

Assessment for CENG 461:

Assignments 10%
Midterm 20%
Presentation 20%
Final 50%
Assessment for ELEC 514:

Assignments 10%
Presentation 10%
Project 30%
Midterm 20%
Final 30%

Grade Conversion and Post of Grade
Guidelines on Religious Observances, Commitment to Inclusivity and Diversity, Standards of Professional Behaviour

Feedback: I am willing to hear from you. Please let me know your questions, suggestions, comments, opinion, and expectation on the lectures, assignments, projects, and the course.

Last Update:  Aug. 19, 2017 by CAI, Lin.