void swap(any& x, any& y) noexcept;
template <class T, class... Args>
any make_any(Args&& ...args);
template <class T, class U, class... Args>
any make_any(initializer_list<U> il, Args&& ...args);
template<class T>
T any_cast(const any& operand);
template<class T>
T any_cast(any& operand);
template<class T>
T any_cast(any&& operand);
any x(5); // x holds int assert(any_cast<int>(x) == 5); // cast to value any_cast<int&>(x) = 10; // cast to reference assert(any_cast<int>(x) == 10); x = "Meow"; // x holds const char* assert(strcmp(any_cast<const char*>(x), "Meow") == 0); any_cast<const char*&>(x) = "Harry"; assert(strcmp(any_cast<const char*>(x), "Harry") == 0); x = string("Meow"); // x holds string string s, s2("Jane"); s = move(any_cast<string&>(x)); // move from any assert(s == "Meow"); any_cast<string&>(x) = move(s2); // move to any assert(any_cast<const string&>(x) == "Jane"); string cat("Meow"); const any y(cat); // const y holds string assert(any_cast<const string&>(y) == cat); any_cast<string&>(y); // error; cannot // any_cast away const
template<class T>
const T* any_cast(const any* operand) noexcept;
template<class T>
T* any_cast(any* operand) noexcept;