D.16 Deprecated convenience conversion interfaces [depr.conversions]
Class template
wbuffer_convert looks like a wide stream buffer, but
performs all its I/O through an underlying byte stream buffer that you
specify when you construct it
. Like class template
wstring_convert, it
lets you specify a code conversion facet to perform the conversions,
without affecting any streams or locales
namespace std {
template <class Codecvt, class Elem = wchar_t, class Tr = char_traits<Elem>>
class wbuffer_convert : public basic_streambuf<Elem, Tr> {
using state_type = typename Codecvt::state_type;
explicit wbuffer_convert(streambuf* bytebuf = 0,
Codecvt* pcvt = new Codecvt,
state_type state = state_type());
wbuffer_convert(const wbuffer_convert&) = delete;
wbuffer_convert& operator=(const wbuffer_convert&) = delete;
streambuf* rdbuf() const;
streambuf* rdbuf(streambuf* bytebuf);
state_type state() const;
streambuf* bufptr; Codecvt* cvtptr; state_type cvtstate; };
The class template describes a stream buffer that controls the
transmission of elements of type
Elem, whose character traits are
described by the class
Tr, to and from a byte stream buffer of type
streambuf. Conversion between a sequence of
Elem values and
multibyte sequences is performed by an object of class
Codecvt, which shall meet the requirements
of the standard code-conversion facet
codecvt<Elem, char, mbstate_t>.An object of this class template stores:
bufptr — a pointer to its underlying byte stream buffer
cvtptr — a pointer to the allocated conversion object
(which is freed when the wbuffer_convert object is destroyed)
cvtstate — a conversion state object
state_type state() const;
streambuf* rdbuf() const;
streambuf* rdbuf(streambuf* bytebuf);
Effects: Stores
bytebuf in
bufptr. Returns: The previous value of
bufptr. using state_type = typename Codecvt::state_type;
The type shall be a synonym for
Codecvt::state_type.explicit wbuffer_convert(
streambuf* bytebuf = 0,
Codecvt* pcvt = new Codecvt,
state_type state = state_type());
pcvt != nullptr. Effects: The constructor constructs a stream buffer object, initializes
bufptr to
bytebuf, initializes
pcvt, and initializes
cvtstate to
state. ~wbuffer_convert();
Effects: The destructor shall delete