Some of the more important things that you should know for the exam include
those items listed below.  These items have been listed in the approximate
order in which they were covered in the course, grouped by chapter/appendix
of the lecture notes.

Chapter 5: Continuous-Time Fourier Series

  * basic terminology: harmonics, DC component (i.e., 0th harmonic),
    complex sinusoid, fundamental frequency/period, harmonically-related
    complex exponentials, etc.
  * definition of Fourier series, Fourier series analysis and synthesis
  * complex exponential form of Fourier series
  * how to compute Fourier series coefficients for given signal
  * what type of signals can a Fourier series be used to represent
    (i.e., must be periodic)
  * know convergence properties of Fourier series.  for example:
      - continuous function of t ... converges uniformly
      - finite energy signal ... converges in mean-squared-error sense
      - Dirichlet conditions satisfied ... converges uniformly except at
      discontinuities, and at discontinuities converges to average of
      left and right side of discontinuity
      - know the three Dirichlet conditions
  * be familiar with proofs of basic properties of Fourier series
    (i.e., linearity, time shift, time reversal)
  * know relationships between the frequency spectrum of a signal
    (i.e., Fourier series coefficient sequence c_k) and signal properties:
    real signal c_k = c_{-k}^*, even real signal c_k = c_{-k} and c_k real,
    odd real signal c_k = -c_{-k} and c_k imaginary, etc.
  * understand what is meant by frequency spectrum, magnitude spectrum,
    phase spectrum, and be able to find/plot these quantities for a given
  * understand what is meant by the frequency response of a system (including
    how to compute the frequency response) and how the frequency response can
    be used to determine the output for a given input
  * know the three basic types of filters (i.e., lowpass, highpass, bandpass)
    and know what their frequency responses look like

  * NOTE: The textbook covers more properties of Fourier series than the
    ones covered in the lectures.  You are only responsible for the ones
    covered in the lectures.

Appendix D (MATLAB)

  * basic language syntax
  * arrays (i.e., vectors/matrices), array subscripting
  * arithmetic operators (e.g., +, -, *, /, ^, .*, ./, .^)
  * relational operators (e.g., ==, ~=, <, <=, >, >=)
  * logical operators (e.g., &, |, ~)
  * basic looping constructs (e.g., for, while)
  * basic conditional constructs (e.g., if-then-else)
  * user-defined functions
  * know some very basic functions (e.g., size, length, real, imag, abs,
    angle, plot)
  * element-wise operations
  * how to avoid unnecessary looping and conditional-code execution