Some of the more important things that you should know for the exam include
those items listed below.  These items have been listed in the approximate
order in which they were covered in the course, grouped by chapter/appendix
of the lecture notes.

Chapter 6: Continuous-Time Fourier Transform

  * know Fourier transform definition (e.g., analysis and synthesis equations)
  * know basic terminology/notation (e.g., Fourier transform pair, etc.)
  * understand how signal can be represented using the Fourier transform
    (i.e., \hat{x}(t) = inverse_Fourier_transform{Fourier_transform{x(t)}})
  * know convergence properties of the Fourier transform
      - if signal x(t) is square integrable, then...
      - if signal x(t) satisfies the Dirichlet conditions, then...
      (also know Dirichlet conditions for Fourier transform)
  * understand properties of the Fourier transform (including Parseval's
      - you do not need to memorize all of these properties, as a table of
        these properties will be provided on the exam, but...  you must
        understand what the properties mean, how to use them, and you should
        also be able to prove the simpler properties
  * be able to find the forward and inverse Fourier transform of both periodic
    and aperiodic signals
  * know how to find Fourier series (of periodic function) using Fourier
    transform (of single period of periodic function)
  * know definition of frequency spectrum, magnitude spectrum, phase spectrum,
    and how to find/plot each of these
  * know how signal properties (e.g., real, periodic, etc.) relate to
    frequency/magnitude/phase spectrum of signals (e.g., real signal has
    even magnitude spectrum and odd phase spectrum, periodic signal has ...
  * know what is meant by bandlimited and time-limited, and that these signal
    properties are mutually exclusive
  * know definition of frequency response of system and how to calculate it
    (e.g., for LTI system, frequency response is Fourier transform of impulse
    response OR equivalently the frequency spectrum of the impulse response)
  * also know what is meant by magnitude response and phase response (of system)
    and how to find/plot each of these
  * know how to compute the frequency response of a system from its differential
    equation representation and how to compute its differential equation
    representation from its frequency response
  * know basic types of frequency-selective filters (i.e., lowpass, highpass,
    and bandpass) and form of their frequency responses
  * be able to determine frequency response of simple circuits (such the ones
    in the Fourier transform assignment)
  * understand basic concepts behind Fourier transform applications such as
    filtering, equalization, sampling/interpolation, and amplitude modulation
  * be able to analyze systems similar to those considered in filtering,
    equalization, sampling/interpolation, and amplitude modulation examples
  * know definitions of terms related to sampling such as: sampling period,
    sampling frequency, aliasing, Nyquist rate, Nyquist frequency
  * know sampling theorem and how to apply it

  * NOTE: You are not responsible for the following items from the textbook
    as they were not covered in the lectures:
      - energy spectral density and power spectral density (which appears
        partly in Section 6.12 "Energy-Spectral Density")
      - unwrapped phase (which appears in Section 6.13.1 "Unwrapped Phase")
      - linear phase, phase delay, and zero phase (which appear in
        Section 6.13.2 "Magnitude and Phase Distortion")
Appendix D (MATLAB)

  * basic language syntax
  * arrays (i.e., vectors/matrices), array subscripting
  * arithmetic operators (e.g., +, -, *, /, ^, .*, ./, .^)
  * relational operators (e.g., ==, ~=, <, <=, >, >=)
  * logical operators (e.g., &, |, ~)
  * basic looping constructs (e.g., for, while)
  * basic conditional constructs (e.g., if-then-else)
  * user-defined functions
  * know some very basic functions (e.g., size, length, real, imag, abs,
    angle, plot)
  * element-wise operations
  * how to avoid unnecessary looping and conditional-code execution