Last Revised: 2019-08-03
Lecture 1 (2019-05-07) — Course Introduction
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [course_intro] SENG 475 & ECE 596C
00:24: [course_intro] Course Overview [multiple slides]
02:11: [course_intro] Prerequisites and Requirements
05:33: [course_intro] Course Topics
07:07: [course_intro] Learning Outcomes
09:42: [course_intro] Course Outline and Various Other Handouts
32:02: [course_intro] Video Lectures
32:37: [course_intro] Computer-Based Tutorial
37:10: [course_intro] Plagiarism and Other Forms of Academic Misconduct
41:54: [course_intro] Software Development Environment (SDE)
42:57: [course_intro] Prelude to SDE Demonstration
45:55: [course_intro] SDE Demonstration
Lecture 2 (2019-05-08) — Algorithms and Data Structures
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [algorithms] Algorithms [title slide]
01:07: [algorithms] Software Performance
02:16: [algorithms] Random-Access Machine (RAM) Model
04:17: [algorithms] Worst-Case, Average, and Amortized Complexity
08:21: [algorithms] Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
09:55: [algorithms] Big Theta (Θ) Notation
- [algorithms] Big Theta (Θ) Notation (Continued)
12:12: [algorithms] Big Oh (O) Notation
- [algorithms] Big Oh (O) Notation (Continued)
13:01: [algorithms] Big Omega (Ω) Notation
- [algorithms] Big Omega (Ω) Notation (Continued)
15:32: [algorithms] Asymptotic Notation in Equations and Inequalities
17:06: [algorithms] Properties of Θ, O, and Ω
18:30: [algorithms] Additional Remarks
18:49: [algorithms] Remarks on Asymptotic Complexity
22:30: [algorithms] Some Common Complexities
23:32: [algorithms] Recurrence Relations
25:12: [algorithms] Solving Recurrence Relations
26:24: [algorithms] Solutions for Some Common Recurrence Relations
27:39: [algorithms] Iterative Fibonacci Algorithm: Time Complexity
30:10: [algorithms] Iterative Fibonacci Algorithm: Space Complexity
31:04: [algorithms] Recursive Fibonacci Algorithm: Time Complexity
32:47: [algorithms] Recursive Fibonacci Algorithm: Space Complexity
34:34: [algorithms] Amdahl's Law
38:02: [data_structures] Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
41:14: [data_structures] Container ADTs
43:17: [data_structures] Container ADTs (Continued)
45:35: [data_structures] Iterator ADTs
Lecture 3 (2019-05-10) — Data Structures
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [data_structures] Container and Iterator Considerations
03:26: [data_structures] Container and Iterator Considerations (Continued)
08:23: [data_structures] List ADT
10:43: [data_structures] Array-Based Lists
- [data_structures] Array-Based Lists: Diagram
14:38: [data_structures] Remarks on Array-Based Lists
19:15: [data_structures] Singly-Linked Lists
- [data_structures] Singly-Linked Lists: Code
- [data_structures] Singly-Linked Lists: Diagram
29:52: [data_structures] Remarks on Singly-Linked Lists
33:19: [data_structures] Singly-Linked List With Header Node
- [data_structures] Singly-Linked List With Header Node: Code
- [data_structures] Singly-Linked List With Header Node: Diagram
40:52: [data_structures] Remarks on Singly-Linked List With Header Node
41:49: [data_structures] Doubly-Linked Lists
- [data_structures] Doubly-Linked Lists: Code
- [data_structures] Doubly-Linked Lists: Diagram
45:55: [data_structures] Remarks on Doubly-Linked Lists [starting from end of preceding slide]
Lecture 4 (2019-05-14) — Data Structures, Some C++ Review (Const and Other Stuff)
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [data_structures] Doubly-Linked List With Sentinel Node
- [data_structures] Doubly-Linked List With Sentinel Node: Code
- [data_structures] Doubly-Linked List With Sentinel Node: Diagram
05:46: [data_structures] Remarks on Doubly-Linked Lists With Sentinel Node
07:23: [data_structures] Stack ADT
08:25: [data_structures] Array Implementation of Stack
- [data_structures] Array Implementation of Stack: Diagram
09:13: [data_structures] Remarks on Array Implementation of Stack
10:52: [data_structures] Node-Based Implementation of Stack
- [data_structures] Node-Based Implementation of Stack: Diagram
11:29: [data_structures] Remarks on Node-Based Implementation of Stack
13:28: [data_structures] Queue ADT
14:43: [data_structures] Array Implementation of Queue
16:32: [data_structures] Remarks on Array Implementation of Queue
17:40: [data_structures] Array of Arrays Implementation of Queue
- [data_structures] Array of Arrays Implementation of Queue: Diagram
22:03: [data_structures] Remarks on Array of Arrays Implementation of Queue
22:22: [data_structures] Node-Based Implementation of Queue
- [data_structures] Node-Based Implementation of Queue: Diagram
22:51: [data_structures] Remarks on Node-Based Implementation of Queue
23:02: [data_structures] Trees
24:11: [data_structures] Tree Terminology (Continued 1)
24:42: [data_structures] Tree Terminology (Continued 2)
25:20: [data_structures] Binary Trees
25:58: [data_structures] Perfect and Complete Trees
26:24: [data_structures] Balanced Binary Trees
27:25: [data_structures] Node-Based Binary Tree
- [data_structures] Node-Based Binary Tree: Diagram
- [data_structures] Remarks on Node-Based Binary Tree
29:11: [data_structures] Array-Based Binary Tree
29:49: [data_structures] Array-Based Binary Tree: Diagram
- [data_structures] Remarks on Array-Based Binary Tree
31:19: [data_structures] Binary Search Trees
33:33: [data_structures] Heaps
34:34: [data_structures] Set and Multiset ADTs
36:20: [data_structures] Map and Multimap ADTs
- [data_structures] Remarks on Implementation of Sets and Maps
38:04: [data_structures] Priority Queue ADT
41:01: [data_structures] Remarks on Priorty Queue Implementations
41:40: [basics] References Versus Pointers
45:15: [basics] The const Qualifier
45:34: [basics] The const Qualifier and Non-Pointer/Non-Reference Types
Lecture 5 (2019-05-15) — Some C++ Review (Const and Other Stuff)
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [basics] The const Qualifier and Non-Pointer/Non-Reference Types
01:27: [basics] The const Qualifier and Pointer Types
05:07: [basics] The const Qualifier and Reference Types
09:39: [basics] The constexpr Qualifier for Variables
16:08: [basics] The const Qualifier and Functions
20:43: [basics] String Length Example: Not Const Correct
20:53: [basics] Square Example: Not Const Correct
- [basics] Square Example: Const Correct
25:51: [basics] Square Example: Const Correct
27:29: [basics] Function Types and the const Qualifier
32:30: [exercises] [Q.1] What is Wrong With This Code?
- [exercises] [Q.1] Solution: Use Const Qualifier Correctly
Lecture 6 (2019-05-17) — Some C++ Review (Const and Other Stuff), Compile-Time Computation
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [exercises] [Q.2] What is Wrong With This Code?
- [exercises] [Q.2] Solution: Use Const Qualifier Correctly
08:10: [exercises] [Q.3] What is Wrong With This Code?
- [exercises] [Q.3] Solution: Functions Should Be Inline
16:17: [exercises] [Q.4] What is Wrong With This Code?
- [exercises] [Q.4] Solution: Place Inline Function Definitions in Header File
19:22: [exercises] [Q.5] What is Wrong With This Code?
- [exercises] [Q.5] Solution 1: Explicit Template Instantiation
- [exercises] [Q.5] Solution 2: Define Function Template in Header File
27:07: [exercises] Remarks on Header Files and Function Declarations
32:33: [exercises] [Q.6] What is Wrong With This Code?
- [exercises] [Q.6] Solution: Place Default Arguments in Header File
41:02: [basics] The constexpr Qualifier for Functions
Lecture 7 (2019-05-21) — Compile-Time Computation
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:30: [basics] Constexpr Function Example: power_int (Iterative)
15:55: [basics] Compile-Time Versus Run-Time Computation
21:01: [classes] constexpr Member Functions
23:19: [classes] constexpr Constructors
24:49: [classes] Example: Constexpr Constructors and Member Functions
31:51: [classes] Why Constexpr Member Functions Are Not Implicitly Const
37:27: [classes] Literal Types
44:26: [classes] Example: Literal Types
46:48: [classes] Constexpr Variable Requirements
Lecture 8 (2019-05-22) — Compile-Time Computation, Temporary Objects
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [classes] Example: Constexpr Variable Requirement Violations
02:03: [classes] Constexpr Function Requirements
06:22: [classes] Example: Constexpr Function Requirement Violations
10:50: [classes] Constexpr Constructor Requirements
12:42: [classes] Example: Constexpr Constructor Requirement Violations
15:16: [classes] Example: Constexpr and Accessing External State
18:15: [classes] Example: Constexpr and Immediate Initialization
21:55: [classes] Debugging Constexpr Functions
28:50: [classes] Example: Debugging Strategies for Constexpr Functions
30:55: [exercises] [Q.7] What is Wrong With This Code?
- [exercises] [Q.7] Solution: Define Constexpr Function in Header
33:25: [exercises] [Q.8] What is Wrong With This Code?
- [exercises] [Q.8] Answer: Invalid Constexpr Function
36:05: [exercises] [Q.9] What is Wrong With This Code?
- [exercises] [Q.9] Solution: Initialize Constexpr Function Variables
40:48: [exercises] [Q.10] What is Wrong With This Code?
- [exercises] [Q.10] Solution: Constexpr Requires Literal Types
42:16: [temporaries] Temporary Objects
Lecture 9 (2019-05-24) — Temporary Objects, Moving/Copying, Value Categories
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [temporaries] Temporary Objects
02:51: [temporaries] Temporary Objects (Continued)
06:51: [temporaries] Temporary Objects Example
07:54: [temporaries] Temporary Objects Example (Continued)
09:06: [temporaries] Prefix Versus Postfix Increment/Decrement
18:24: [rval_refs] Propagating Values: Copying and Moving
22:04: [rval_refs] Copying and Moving
23:50: [rval_refs] Buffer Example: Moving Versus Copying
25:09: [rval_refs] Buffer Example: Copying
27:49: [rval_refs] Buffer Example: Moving
30:55: [rval_refs] Moving Versus Copying
33:35: [lrvalues] Value Categories of Expressions
36:39: [lrvalues] Value Categories of Expressions (Continued)
40:36: [lrvalues] Lvalues
43:39: [lrvalues] Lvalues (Continued 1)
Lecture 10 (2019-05-28) — Value Categories, Moving/Copying
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [lrvalues] Lvalues (Continued 2)
03:14: [lrvalues] Moving and Lvalues
07:17: [lrvalues] Rvalues
11:33: [lrvalues] Prvalues
14:11: [lrvalues] Prvalues (Continued)
19:38: [lrvalues] Xvalues
23:55: [lrvalues] Moving and Rvalues
34:43: [lrvalues] Moving and Lvalues/Rvalues
40:20: [lrvalues] Moving/Copying and Lvalues/Rvalues
Lecture 11 (2019-05-29) — Copy Elision
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [copy_elision] Copy Elision and Implicit Moving [title slide]
00:36: [copy_elision] Copy Elision
06:55: [copy_elision] Copy Elision and Returning by Value
31:11: [copy_elision] Return-By-Value Example 1: Summary
35:32: [copy_elision] Return-By-Value Example 2: Summary
38:54: [copy_elision] Example Where Copy Elision Allowed But Likely Impossible
44:09: [copy_elision] Copy Elision and Passing by Value
Lecture 12 (2019-05-31) — Copy Elision, Implicit Move
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [copy_elision] Pass-By-Value Example: Summary
04:11: [copy_elision] Copy Elision and Initialization
21:27: [copy_elision] Mandatory Copy Elision Example: Factory Function
25:02: [copy_elision] Return Statements and Moving/Copying
36:36: [copy_elision] Example: Return Statements and Moving/Copying
40:38: [copy_elision] Use of std::move in Return Statements
43:03: [copy_elision] Example: Moving/Copying, Copy Elision, and Implicit Move a.k.a. [exercises] [Q.MC1] Copy, Move, or Copy Elision?
Lecture 13 (2019-06-04) — Copy Elision, Implicit Move, Exceptions
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [exericses] [Q.MC1] Answer
09:44: [rval_refs] Allowing Move Semantics in Other Contexts via std::move
10:49: [rval_refs] Old-Style Swap
12:20: [rval_refs] Improved Swap
14:27: [rval_refs] Implication of Rvalue-Reference Type Function Parameters
17:34: [exceptions] Exceptions
18:52: [exceptions] The Problem
20:35: [exceptions] Traditional Error Handling
23:24: [exceptions] Example: Traditional Error Handling
25:09: [exceptions] Error Handling With Exceptions
27:55: [exceptions] Example: Exceptions
29:55: [exceptions] safe_divide Example: Traditional Error Handling
30:37: [exceptions] safe_divide Example: Exceptions
31:29: [exceptions] Exceptions Versus Traditional Error Handling
34:28: [exceptions] Exceptions
36:58: [exceptions] Standard Exception Classes
- [exceptions] Standard Exception Classes (Continued 1)
- [exceptions] Standard Exception Classes (Continued 2)
37:42: [exceptions] Throwing Exceptions
38:39: [exceptions] Throwing Exceptions (Continued)
40:45: [exceptions] Catching Exceptions
41:41: [exceptions] Catching Exceptions (Continued)
43:29: [exceptions] Rethrowing Exceptions
44:23: [exceptions] Transfer of Control from Throw Site to Handler
50:22: [exceptions] Stack Unwinding Example
Lecture 14 (2019-06-05) — Exceptions
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [exceptions] Stack Unwinding Example
08:38: [exceptions] Function Try Blocks
09:49: [exceptions] Exceptions and Construction/Destruction
14:06: [exceptions] Construction/Destruction Example
18:09: [exceptions] Function Try Block Example
24:53: [exceptions] The noexcept Specifier
29:13: [exceptions] The noexcept Specifier (Continued 1)
- [exceptions] The noexcept Specifier (Continued 2)
30:34: [exceptions] The noexcept Specifier (Continued 3)
37:33: [exceptions] Exceptions and Function Calls
42:06: [exceptions] Avoiding Exceptions Due to Function Calls
Lecture 15 (2019-06-07) — Exceptions, Interval Arithmetic
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [exceptions] noexcept Operator
08:34: [exceptions] noexcept Operator (Continued)
17:00: [arithmetic] Interval Arithmetic
21:21: [arithmetic] Applications of Interval Arithmetic
24:11: [arithmetic] Real Interval Arithmetic
26:22: [arithmetic] Addition and Subtraction
27:54: [arithmetic] Multiplication and Division
28:46: [arithmetic] Floating-Point Interval Arithmetic
31:52: [arithmetic] Floating-Point Interval Arithmetic (Continued)
34:12: [arithmetic] Floating-Point Interval Arithmetic Operations
35:35: [arithmetic] Comparisons
44:18: [arithmetic] Setting and Querying Rounding Mode
Lecture 16 (2019-06-11) — Interval Arithmetic, Geometric Predicates and Applications
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [arithmetic] Impact of Current Rounding Mode
03:55: [arithmetic] Rounding Mode Example
04:53: [arithmetic] Geometric Predicates
07:18: [arithmetic] Filtered Geometric Predicates
11:44: [arithmetic] Two-Dimensional Orientation Test
13:50: [arithmetic] Example: Two-Dimensional Orientation Test
14:16: [arithmetic] Convex Polygons
17:08: [arithmetic] Polygon Convexity Test
20:42: [arithmetic] Three-Dimensional Orientation Test
25:58: [arithmetic] Side-of-Oriented-Circle Test
28:37: [arithmetic] Preferred-Direction Test
30:32: [arithmetic] Triangulations
33:40: [arithmetic] Delaunay Triangulations
35:37: [arithmetic] Nonuniqueness of Delaunay Triangulations
- [arithmetic] Comments on Delaunay Triangulations
39:37: [arithmetic] Edge Flips
42:21: [arithmetic] Locally-Delaunay Test
45:49: [arithmetic] Locally Preferred-Directions Delaunay Test
Lecture 17 (2019-06-12) — Geometric Predicates and Applications, Memory Management
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [arithmetic] Locally Preferred-Directions Delaunay Test [plus related slides]
08:08: [arithmetic] Lawson Local Optimization Procedure
11:32: [arithmetic] Finding Delaunay Triangulations with Lawson LOP
13:43: [data_structures] Naive Triangle-Mesh Data Structure
16:04: [data_structures] Naive Triangle-Mesh Data Structure Example
20:11: [data_structures] Half-Edge Data Structure
20:46: [data_structures] Half-Edge Data Structure (Continued)
30:05: [data_structures] Object File Format (OFF)
30:40: [data_structures] OFF Example (Triangle Mesh)
34:01: [memory_management] Memory Management
36:18: [memory_management] Potential Problems Arising in Memory Management
38:42: [memory_management] Alignment
39:06: [memory_management] The alignof Operator
Lecture 18 (2019-06-14) — Memory Management
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:09: [memory_management] The alignas Specifier
02:04: [memory_management] New Expressions
03:07: [memory_management] New Expressions (Continued)
05:49: [memory_management] Delete Expressions
07:22: [memory_management] Delete Expressions (Continued 1)
10:13: [memory_management] Delete Expressions (Continued 2)
11:58: [memory_management] Typical Strategy for Determining Array Size in Array Delete
19:21: [memory_management] New Expressions and Allocation
22:54: [memory_management] Allocation Function Overload Resolution
26:11: [memory_management] Allocation Function Overload Resolution (Continued)
29:03: [memory_management] New Expressions and Deallocation
30:37: [memory_management] Delete Expressions and Deallocation
31:04: [memory_management] Single-Object Operator New (i.e., operator new)
34:03: [memory_management] Single-Object Operator New Overloads
36:34: [memory_management] Single-Object Operator New Overloads (Continued)
37:28: [memory_management] Single-Object Operator New Examples
Lecture 19 (2019-06-18) — Memory Management
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [memory_management] Array Operator New (i.e., operator new[])
01:50: [memory_management] Array Operator New Overloads
02:57: [memory_management] Array Operator New Overloads (Continued)
03:31: [memory_management] Array Operator New Examples
11:54: [memory_management] Single-Object Operator Delete (i.e., operator delete)
13:44: [memory_management] Single-Object Operator Delete Overloads
14:16: [memory_management] Single-Object Operator Delete Examples
20:57: [memory_management] Array Operator Delete (i.e., operator delete[])
21:36: [memory_management] Array Operator Delete Overloads
21:42: [memory_management] Array Operator Delete Examples
22:14: [memory_management] Motivation for Placement New
- [memory_management] Motivation for Placement New: Diagram
31:00: [memory_management] Placement New
36:59: [memory_management] Placement New Examples
43:24: [memory_management] Direct Destructor Invocation
46:15: [memory_management] Pseudodestructors
Lecture 20 (2019-06-19) — Memory Management
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [memory_management] std::addressof Function Template
02:29: [memory_management] std::addressof Example
04:25: [memory_management] The std::aligned_storage Class Template
05:48: [memory_management] Optional Value Example
07:17: [memory_management] Optional Value Example: Diagram
08:12: [memory_management] Optional Value Example: optval.hpp
19:57: [memory_management] Optional Value Example: User Code
22:10: [memory_management] Handling Uninitialized Storage
22:55: [memory_management] Functions for Uninitialized Storage
26:37: [memory_management] Functions for Uninitialized Storage (Continued)
27:47: [memory_management] Some Example Implementations
31:04: [memory_management] Bounded Array Example
31:19: [memory_management] Bounded Array Example: Diagram
32:46: [memory_management] Bounded Array Example: aligned_buffer.hpp
34:44: [memory_management] Bounded Array Example: array.hpp (1)
39:00: [memory_management] Bounded Array Example: array.hpp (2)
44:22: [memory_management] Bounded Array Example: array.hpp (3)
48:40: [memory_management] Bounded Array Example: array.hpp (4)
Lecture 21 (2019-06-21) — Memory Management, Intrusive Containers, Pointers to Members
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [memory_management] Vector Example
01:48: [memory_management] Vector Example: Diagram
02:43: [memory_management] Vector Example: vec.hpp (1)
06:55: [memory_management] Vector Example: vec.hpp (2)
12:48: [memory_management] Vector Example: vec.hpp (3)
17:01: [memory_management] Vector Example: vec.hpp (4)
20:49: [memory_management] Vector Example: vec.hpp (5)
24:02: [memory_management] Vector Example: vec.hpp (6)
27:38: [data_structures] Intrusive Containers
33:25: [data_structures] Shortcomings of Non-Intrusive Containers
35:28: [data_structures] Advantages of Intrusive Containers
38:27: [data_structures] Disadvantages of Intrusive Containers
42:40: [data_structures] Disadvantages of Intrusive Containers (Continued)
45:21: [classes] Pointers to Members
47:58: [classes] Pointers to Members (Continued)
Lecture 22 (2019-06-25) — Pointers to Members, Intrusive Containers, Caches
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [classes] Pointers to Members for Data Members
06:05: [classes] Pointers to Members Example: Accumulate
14:53: [data_structures] Intrusive Doubly-Linked List With Sentinel Node
- [data_structures] Intrusive Doubly-Linked List With Sentinel Node: Code (Continued)
- [data_structures] Intrusive Doubly-Linked List With Sentinel Node: Code
- [data_structures] Intrusive Doubly-Linked List With Sentinel Node: Diagram
25:39: [data_structures] Remarks on Intrusive Doubly-Linked List With Sentinel Node
25:52: [data_structures] Examples of Intrusive Containers
27:03: [cache] The Memory Latency Problem
28:32: [cache] Principle of Locality
31:05: [cache] Memory Hierarchy
32:48: [cache] Caches
35:57: [cache] Memory and Cache
37:38: [cache] Block Placement
40:04: [cache] Block Placement (Continued)
42:35: [cache] Direct-Mapped Cache Example
43:31: [cache] K-Way Set-Associative Cache Example
44:28: [cache] Fully Associative Cache
45:03: [cache] Block Identificiation
46:43: [cache] Decomposition of Memory Address
48:53: [cache] Block Replacement
50:26: [cache] Write Policy
Lecture 23 (2019-06-26) — Caches, Cache-Efficient Algorithms
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [cache] Cache Misses
02:14: [cache] Virtual Memory
03:20: [cache] Virtual Address Space
05:38: [cache] Address Translation
07:21: [supplemental] [Q.C2] Virtual Memory Exercise
08:39: [supplemental] [Q.C2] Virtual Memory Exercise (Continued)
14:03: [cache] Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)
15:59: [cache] Virtual and Physical Caches
17:28: [cache] Virtual Versus Physical Caches
19:37: [cache] Virtually-Indexed Physically-Tagged (VIPT) Caches
20:15: [cache] VIPT Cache Example
23:06: [cache] Cache Performance
23:50: [cache] Intel Core i7
24:42: [cache] ARM Cortex A8
25:43: [cache] Cache-Efficient Algorithms
26:56: [cache] Code Transformations to Improve Cache Efficiency
28:30: [data_structures] Row-Major Versus Column-Major Order
29:42: [cache] Array Merging Example
31:50: [cache] Loop Interchange Example
33:17: [cache] Loop Fusion Example
35:25: [cache] Blocking Example
37:20: [cache] Blocking Example (Continued 0.5)
40:54: [cache] Blocking Example (Continued 1)
42:11: [cache] Blocking Example (Continued 2)
44:48: [cache] Cache-Aware Versus Cache-Oblivious Algorithms
47:24: [cache] Tall Caches
Lecture 24 (2019-06-28) — Cache-Efficient Algorithms
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [cache] Idealized Cache Model
02:20: [cache] Remarks on Assumption of Optimal-Replacement Policy
03:45: [cache] Cache-Oblivious Algorithms
04:32: [cache] Scanning
09:44: [cache] Array Reversal
14:48: [cache] Naive Matrix Transposition
16:29: [cache] Naive Matrix Transposition: Performance
21:31: [cache] Cache-Oblivious Matrix Transposition
22:50: [cache] Cache-Oblivious Matrix Transposition (Continued)
24:47: [cache] Cache-Oblivious Matrix Transposition Example 1A [Part 1]
26:52: [handout] Transpose Algorithm Pseudocode
29:38: [handout] Matrix Subblock Characterization
30:57: [cache] Cache-Oblivious Matrix Transposition Example 1A [Part 2]
32:48: [cache] Cache-Oblivious Matrix Transposition Example 2
34:47: [cache] Cache-Oblivious Matrix Transposition: Performance
36:40: [cache] Naive Matrix Multiplication
39:07: [cache] Naive Matrix Multiplication: Performance
Lecture 25 (2019-07-03) — Cache-Efficient Algorithms, Concurrency
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [cache] Cache-Oblivious Matrix Multiplication
02:16: [cache] Cache-Oblivious Matrix Multiplication (Continued 1)
05:55: [cache] Cache-Oblivious Matrix Multiplication (Continued 2)
06:44: [cache] Cache-Oblivious Matrix Multiplication Example 1
13:02: [cache] Cache-Oblivious Matrix Multiplication: Performance
15:14: [cache] Cache-Oblivious Matrix Multiplication Revisited
17:52: [cache] Cache-Oblivious Matrix Multiplication Revisited Example 2
20:48: [cache] Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
24:03: [cache] Cache-Oblivious Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
29:41: [cache] Example: Four-Point DFT
32:15: [cache] Example: Four-Point DFT (Continued 1)
33:41: [cache] Example: Four-Point DFT (Continued 2)
34:01: [cache] Cache-Oblivious FFT: Performance
37:40: [concurrency] Processors
39:38: [concurrency] Processors (Continued)
41:29: [concurrency] Why Multicore Processors?
44:35: [concurrency] Concurrency
Lecture 26 (2019-07-05) — Concurrency
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [concurrency] Why Multithreading?
03:51: [concurrency] Memory Model
06:47: [concurrency] Sequential Consistency (SC)
09:36: [concurrency] Sequential-Consistency (SC) Memory Model
12:34: [concurrency] Load/Store Reordering Example: Single Thread
15:20: [concurrency] Load/Store Reordering Example: Multiple Threads
20:00: [concurrency] Atomicity of Memory Operations
21:46: [concurrency] Data Races
25:34: [concurrency] Torn Reads
28:57: [concurrency] Torn Writes
31:11: [concurrency] SC Data-Race Free (SC-DRF) Memory Model
34:36: [concurrency] C++ Memory Model
39:53: [concurrency] The std::thread Class
43:03: [concurrency] The std::thread Class (Continued)
Lecture 27 (2019-07-09) — Concurrency
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [concurrency] std::thread Members
01:49: [concurrency] std::thread Members (Continued)
03:06: [concurrency] Example: Hello World With Threads [First Half]
05:15: [lambdas] Hello World Program Revisited
09:22: [lambdas] Linear-Function Functor Example
21:27: [concurrency] Example: Hello World With Threads [Second Hal]
23:00: [concurrency] Example: Thread-Function Argument Passing (Copy/Move Semantics)
25:23: [concurrency] Example: Thread-Function Argument Passing (Reference Semantics)
30:32: [concurrency] Example: Moving Threads
33:16: [concurrency] Example: Lifetime Bug
36:38: [concurrency] The std::thread Class and Exception Safety
38:21: [concurrency] The std::thread Class and Exception Safety (Continued)
Lecture 28 (2019-07-10) — Concurrency
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [concurrency] Happens-Before Relationships
03:12: [concurrency] "Earlier in Time" Versus Happens Before
09:02: [concurrency] Sequenced-Before Relationships
10:21: [concurrency] Sequenced-Before Relationships (Continued)
11:14: [concurrency] Inter-Thread Happens-Before Relationships
12:37: [concurrency] Summary of Happens-Before Relationships
13:15: [concurrency] Synchronizes-With Relationships
17:01: [concurrency] Examples of Synchronizes-With Relationships
17:50: [concurrency] Synchronizes-With Relationship: Thread Create and Join
23:19: [concurrency] Shared Data
24:50: [concurrency] Race Conditions
28:42: [concurrency] Critical Sections
30:43: [concurrency] Data-Race Example
32:33: [concurrency] Example: Data Race (Counter)
34:46: [concurrency] Example: Data Race and/or Race Condition (IntSet)
Lecture 29 (2019-07-12) — Concurrency
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [concurrency] Mutexes
03:10: [concurrency] The std::mutex Class
05:44: [concurrency] std::mutex Members
08:02: [concurrency] Example: Avoiding Data Race Using Mutex (Counter) (mutex)
11:00: [concurrency] Synchronizes-With Relationships: Mutex Lock/Unlock
18:57: [concurrency] The std::scoped_lock Template Class
21:22: [concurrency] std::scoped_lock Members
22:14: [concurrency] Example: Avoiding Data Race Using Mutex (Counter) (scoped_lock)
24:22: [concurrency] Example: Avoiding Data Race Using Mutex (IntSet) (scoped_lock)
32:44: [concurrency] Acquisition of Multiple Locks
35:26: [concurrency] Example: Acquiring Two Locks for Swap (Incorrect)
38:56: [concurrency] Example: Acquiring Two Locks for Swap [scoped_lock]
39:20: [concurrency] The std::unique_lock Template Class
41:55: [concurrency] std::unique_lock Members
43:28: [concurrency] std::unique_lock Members (Continued)
43:55: [concurrency] Example: Avoiding Data Race Using Mutex (Counter) (unique_lock)
Lecture 30 (2019-07-16) — Concurrency
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [concurrency] The std::lock Template Function
01:01: [concurrency] Example: Acquiring Two Locks for Swap [unique_lock and lock]
01:51: [concurrency] Static Local Variable Initialization and Thread Safety
03:16: [concurrency] Condition Variables
07:40: [concurrency] The std::condition_variable Class
13:26: [concurrency] std::condition_variable Members
14:30: [concurrency] std::condition_variable Members (Continued)
15:32: [concurrency] Example: Condition Variable (IntStack)
27:50: [concurrency] Latches
29:56: [concurrency] Latch Example: User Code
32:03: [concurrency] Latch Example: latch_1.hpp
37:15: [concurrency] The std::condition_variable_any Class
38:44: [concurrency] Thread Pools
42:07: [concurrency] Simple Thread Pool Interface Example
Lecture 31 (2019-07-17) — Concurrency, More Exceptions
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [concurrency] Simple Thread Pool Interface Example
03:44: [exceptions] Resource Management
05:31: [exceptions] Resource Leak Example
07:17: [exceptions] Cleanup
08:43: [exceptions] Exception Safety and Exception Guarantees
13:13: [exceptions] Exception Guarantees
20:24: [exceptions] Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII)
21:43: [exceptions] Resource Leak Example Revisited
30:25: [exceptions] RAII Example: Stream Formatting Flags
35:15: [exceptions] Other RAII Examples
37:55: [exceptions] Appropriateness of Using Exceptions
41:40: [exceptions] Enforcing Invariants: Exceptions Versus Assertions
Lecture 32 (2019-07-19) — Smart Pointers
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [smart_ptrs] Memory Management, Ownership, and Raw Pointers
02:36: [smart_ptrs] Smart Pointers
05:15: [smart_ptrs] The std::unique_ptr Template Class
08:27: [smart_ptrs] The std::unique_ptr Template Class (Continued)
10:37: [handout] Move Operation for unique_ptr
13:17: [handout] Why unique_ptr Is Not Copyable
16:16: [smart_ptrs] std::unique_ptr Member Functions
17:41: [smart_ptrs] std::unique_ptr Member Functions (Continued)
18:13: [smart_ptrs] std::unique_ptr Example 1
21:48: [smart_ptrs] Temporary Heap-Allocated Objects
24:07: [smart_ptrs] Decoupled Has-A Relationship
28:19: [smart_ptrs] The std::shared_ptr Template Class
31:25: [smart_ptrs] The std::shared_ptr Template Class (Continued)
39:09: [smart_ptrs] std::shared_ptr Reference Counting Example
- [smart_ptrs] std::shared_ptr Reference Counting Example (Continued 1)
- [smart_ptrs] std::shared_ptr Reference Counting Example (Continued 2)
Lecture 33 (2019-07-23) — Smart Pointers, Vectorization
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [smart_ptrs] std::shared_ptr Member Functions
00:48: [smart_ptrs] std::shared_ptr Member Functions (Continued)
02:23: [smart_ptrs] Prefer Use of std::make_shared
04:08: [smart_ptrs] std::shared_ptr Example
12:31: [smart_ptrs] std::shared_ptr and const
13:46: [smart_ptrs] Factory Function
15:17: [smart_ptrs] Example: Shared Pointer to Subobject of Managed Object
18:04: [smart_ptrs] Example: Shared Pointer to Subobject of Managed Object (Continued 1)
20:51: [smart_ptrs] Example: Shared Pointer to Subobject of Managed Object (Continued 2)
24:35: [smart_ptrs] Example: Shared Pointer to Subobject of Managed Object (Continued 3)
25:17: [smart_ptrs] Example: Shared Pointer to Subobject of Managed Object (Continued 4)
27:36: [smart_ptrs] Example: std::shared_ptr
30:00: [smart_ptrs] Example: std::shared_ptr (Continued)
32:58: [vectorization] Vector Processing
34:33: [vectorization] Scalar Versus Vector Instructions
36:10: [vectorization] Vector-Memory and Vector-Register Architectures
38:13: [vectorization] Vector-Register Architectures
40:56: [vectorization] Vector Extensions
42:53: [vectorization] Intel x86/x86-64 Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE)
44:18: [vectorization] Intel x86/x86-64 Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX)
46:09: [vectorization] ARM NEON
Lecture 34 (2019-07-24) — Vectorization
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [vectorization] Checking for Processor Vector Support on Linux
01:06: [vectorization] Vectorization
03:14: [vectorization] Conceptualizing Loop Vectorization
06:56: [vectorization] Approaches to Vectorization
14:17: [vectorization] Auto-Vectorization
16:34: [vectorization] GCC Compiler and Vectorization
17:36: [vectorization] GCC Compiler Options Related to Vectorization
18:58: [vectorization] GCC Compiler Options Related to Vectorization (Continued)
21:09: [vectorization] Clang Compiler and Vectorization
21:39: [vectorization] Clang Compiler Options Related to Vectorization
22:58: [vectorization] Assessing Quality of Vectorized Code
24:48: [vectorization] Assessing Quality of Vectorized Code (Continued)
27:57: [vectorization] Auto-Vectorization with Hints
29:43: [vectorization] Obstacles to Vectorization
34:04: [vectorization] Data Dependencies and Vectorization
35:05: [vectorization] Flow Dependencies
37:38: [vectorization] Flow Dependence Example 1
40:34: [vectorization] Flow Dependence Example 1: Sequential Loop
41:54: [vectorization] Flow Dependence Example 1: Vectorized Loop
44:38: [vectorization] Flow Dependence Example 2
46:55: [vectorization] Output Dependencies
Lecture 35 (2019-07-26) — Vectorization
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [vectorization] Control-Flow Dependencies and Vectorization
02:07: [vectorization] Aliasing
04:15: [vectorization] Aliasing and Optimization: An Example
06:18: [vectorization] Aliasing and Vectorization: An Example
12:29: [vectorization] The __restrict__ Keyword
19:13: [vectorization] Noncontiguous Memory Accesses
20:54: [vectorization] Data Alignment
24:57: [vectorization] Handling Misaligned Data
26:54: [handout] Example: Handling Misaligned Data
29:44: [vectorization] Controlling Alignment of Data
32:07: [vectorization] Informing Compiler of Data Alignment
35:56: [vectorization] Profitability of Vectorization
38:00: [vectorization] Vectorization Example: Version 1
40:12: [vectorization] Vectorization Example: Version 2
41:31: [vectorization] Vectorization Example: Version 3
45:33: [vectorization] Vectorization Example: Invoking add Function
47:02: [vectorization] Basic Requirements for Vectorizable Loops
Lecture 36 (2019-07-30) — Vectorization
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [vectorization] OpenMP SIMD Constructs
02:09: [vectorization] OpenMP simd Pragma
05:28: [vectorization] OpenMP declare simd Pragma
07:05: [vectorization] OpenMP SIMD-Related Pragma Clauses
08:29: [vectorization] OpenMP SIMD-Related Pragma Clauses (Continued)
08:50: [vectorization] Example: Vectorized Loop
12:34: [vectorization] Example: Vectorized Loop and Function
Extra (2019-07-25) — Preliminary Information for Final Exam
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: Final Exam Information
Lecture 37 (2019-07-31) — Final Course Wrap-Up
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video:
00:00: [wrapup] Any Questions About the Final Exam?
14:31: [wrapup] Open Discussion on Ways to Improve Course
15:56: [wrapup] Lecture Slides and Videos
20:45: [wrapup] Course Experience Survey (CES)
Extra (2019-06-16) — Meshlab/Geomview Demo
The following is a link to the full video:
The following are links to particular offsets within the video: