NEWS ==== This document highlights some of the most significant changes from one release of the textbook to the next. Edition 6.0 (2024-12-15) ======================== Some of the more significant changes in going from Edition 5.0 to Edition 6.0 are as follows: - Added numerous new exercises to the end-of-chapter exercises in the continuous-time signals and systems part of the textbook. - Made many improvements to the solutions to previously existing exercises in the continuous-time signals and systems part of the textbook. - Fixed a number of typos/errors in the textbook and solutions manual. - Added a few new slides to the slides deck. Edition 5.0 (2022-12-31) ======================== Some of the more significant changes in going from Edition 4.0 to Edition 5.0 are as follows: - Added many new with-answer-key exercises to the end-of-chapter exercises in the continuous-time signals and systems part of the textbook. - Reorganized many of the end-of-chapter exercises in the textbook so that similar types of exercises are grouped together. - Changed the numbering conventions for the end-of-chapter exercises in the textbook (to more clearly distinguish between the with-answer-key, without-answer-key, and MATLAB exercises). - Fixed numerous typos/errors in the textbook, solutions manual, and lecture slides. - Added more continuous-time and discrete-time filter design examples to the lecture slides. - Made numerous wording improvements and added some clarifying comments in the textbook. - Made major improvements to the full answers for numerous exercises in the solutions manual. Edition 4.0 (2022-01-15) ======================== Some of the more significant changes in going from Edition 3.0 to Edition 4.0 are as follows: - Detailed coverage of MATLAB was added to the lecture slides. (Over 100 slides on MATLAB were added.) - All of the exercises for the continuous-time part of the textbook were reorganized and many new exercises were added. - A Git repository hosted by GitHub was created to hold copies of MATLAB code examples. Edition 3.0 (2020-12-15) ======================== Some of the more significant changes in going from Edition 2.0 to Edition 3.0 are as follows: - Edition 3.0 added coverage of the discrete-time case, which approximately doubled the length of the textbook. Edition 2.0 (2020-02-29) ======================== Some of the more significant changes in going from Edition 1.0 to Edition 2.0 are as follows: - Many improvements were made based on experiences teaching. - Added coverage of a few new topics. - Many changes were made to the notational conventions employed.