In 2005, I graduated with an Electrical & Electronics Engineering degree from Anna University, India. Intrigued by the field I pursued my Masters in Power Electronics, Machines and Drives from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi). Then I completed my doctoral degree in 2012 from the University of Victoria. Upon completing my Ph.D. I worked in industry for four years until 2017. My experience relates to Hardware-In-Loop simulation studies of grids and motor drives.
In May 2017, I returned to UVic as an educator. In my role as an Assistant Teaching Professor, I have been instructing many undergraduate courses, conducting cutting edge research besides serving in a few administrative positions. My educational background and professional experience are all related to the Electrical Power sector. Therefore, my teaching and research are closely associated to this domain. You can know more about them by browsing this website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.