Department of ECEtrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 360 Lab Report Writing Guide
Please preface your lab report with a proper title page.
Use the sample title page from the ECE 360 Lab Manual.
The report should be divided into the following parts:
- Summary
- Introduction (Describe the objective of the lab)
- Your answers to the Pre-laboratory Assignments
- Experimrntas Results (including data charts, graphs, etc)
- Discussion
- Conclusions
The following are some points you should consider while preparing your lab report:
- Technical Content
- Are all required points covered?
- Did you justify your conclusions and results?
- Presentation
- Is your write-up easy to follow, logical and complete?
- Did you make an effort to write your report in precise and concise style?
- Are the tables, graphs and charts clearly described and referenced
(titles, units, etc.)?
- Appearance
- Is the general appearance of your report pleasing to the reader?
(ie. proper spelling, grammar, printed text)
- Remember
- A report is communication with other persons.
- Keep in mind the reader's point of view when writing your report.
- Adhere to the schedule for labs and submission of lab reports (see next)
Suggestion: You may want to download during the lab experiments screendumps and plots to be used in your report
ECE 360 Lab Report Deadlines
Lab Reports are due one week after the lab session.
Marks will be deducted for late Reports.
Reports should be submitted to appropriate lab section using Brightspace
ECE 360 Lab Marking Guide
- Preparation: 20%
- Is all required reading complete?
- Are required Pre-Lab questions answered?
- Labwork: 20%
- Familiar with equipment?
- Answered correctly questions asked?
- Achieved lab goals?
- Report: 60%
- Technical Content? (40%)
- Are key points asked in each lab (see manual) answered?
- Accurate representation of data collected, and conclusions
- Format? (20%)
- Presentation, Appearance, etc (see Lab Report Writing Guide)
If your labs are handed in late (they're due one week after your assigned
lab time at 6pm),
then marks will be deducted