Ruggedized Marine Catch Counter

The Team

Ian Rusk

Ian Rusk Ian was born in Alberta and spent most of his life in Calgary. After completing the Electrical Engineering Technology program at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) in 2010, he moved to Victoria to pursue a Bachelors of Engineering through the bridge program at Camosun College. Ian has obtained his Advanced Electrical Engineering Technology diploma from Camosun College, and is currently enrolled in 3rd year studies at the University of Victoria. Ian has obtained a solid background in Power Systems and Industial Automation and Controls through his studies at SAIT and through 3 work terms throughout B.C. During a work term in Kamloops at Teck Highland Valley Copper Partnership, Ian developed a training ciriculum and successfully trained over 50 employees in the use of the plant historian system. In his most recent work term for Andritz Automation in Prince George, Ian aided in the design of power system upgrades for various Pulp and Paper clients. Ian plans to finish his Bachelor of Engineering (with a specialization in Electrical Energy Systems) by the end of 2013.

Ryan Craig

Ryan Craig Ryan graduated from the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Polytechnic in 2008 as an Electrical Engineering Technologist. After a few months of travelling Central America, he worked in the utility industry in Alberta as a High Voltage Substation Technologist. This led him to gain a greater knowledge of electrical systems so he enrolled in the Engineering Bridge program at Camosun in 2010 to enter University of Victoria in the Electrical Engineering program. He is expected to finish all classes at the University of Victoria by September 2013 with graduation in early 2014.

Paul Bernard

Paul Bernard Paul Bernard was born in Summerside PEI, Canada in 1988. He is a third year Electrical Engineering student at the University of Victoria. Before attending UVic, he obtained an Electrical Engineering Technologist Diploma at Camosun College. Camosun gave him a solid background and understanding of electrical and embedded systems through hours of lectures and labs. Paul found the labs to be the best technique of learning, being able to apply the knowledge learned in the lectures and using it hands-on to complete tasks. Attending Camosun has allowed him to focus his career towards electronic and embedded systems with interest in Electrical Power Systems design, and is now working towards a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering. After the Technologist program, Paul went on to obtain his Advanced Technologist Diploma. This would allow him to continue his studies at UVic and ultimately obtain his a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering

Ian Colqhoun

Coquitlam Ian Colquhoun was born in Victoria, BC, graduating from Mount Doug High School in 2007. He is a third year Electrical Engineering student at the University of Victoria. After completing 2 years of the program, Ian decided to take some time off and travel for a year. The intended year of travelling ended up extending to nearly 2 years, spending much of his time in South-East Asia and Australia. During the travelling experience Ian gained many new skills that have helped him in his work experience. After running out of money he came back to Victoria and re-entered the electrical engineering program for his third year. His area of interest lies in electrical power systems, alternate energy forms and energy conservation. Upon completion of his engineering degree he intends to get his Certified Energy Management (CEM). During his work term with Catalyst Paper Corporation he put forth several solutions to help save the company over 1,000 MWh/year. This was quite the achievement and Catalyst will continue see the benefits of these solutions for many years to come.