UVic ECE Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering



Copies of Lecture Slides

Copies of lecture slides (in pdf format) are available here for downloading.

Course Lecture Notes

Unless otherwise noted, all course materials supplied to students in this course have been prepared by the instructor and are intended for use in this course only. These materials are NOT to be re-circulated digitally, whether by email or by uploading or copying to websites, or to others not enrolled in this course. Violation of this policy may in some cases constitute a breach of academic integrity as defined in the UVic Calendar.

Matlab Demos:


1. Required

Title : Modern Control Engineering, 5th Edition
Author : K. Ogata
Publisher : Prentice-Hall
Year : 2010, 5th Edition

2. Recommended

Title : MATLAB student Version
Publisher : The MathWorks
See also: here

3. You can also find information how to use MATLAB at UVIC here.

Useful Links


Assignment (incl. Quizes) : 5%
Labs : 15%
Mid-term : 25%; October 25, 2024
Final : 55%

NOTE: Failure to complete all laboratory requirements will result in an N grade for the course.

The final grade obtained from the above marking scheme will be based on the following percentage-to-grade point conversion.

There will be no supplemental examination for this course.

Links to Policies and Regulations

General Information on Policies and Regulations can be found in the Course Outline.

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Continously Modified: September - December 2024