
Connec4 had a great meeting with CanAssist on July 12th. 


Preliminary Design

One of the objectives of the project is to provide an inclusive bus system that helps people with special needs to board bus easily. CanAssist has developed a Smartphone app to help a blind person getting to the bus stop, but at the bus stop it is very challenging for the person to know when and which bus is arriving. To resolve this issue, the first solution is to enable communication between a bus and a user's Smartphone so that the user can request the bus driver for pick-up at a certain bus stop. However, this option is abandoned because BC Transit does not allow direct communication between a user and a bus for security reasons. This leads to the second alternative - to use the bus stop to connect a bus and a user via class 3 bluetooth that can discover devices within 5 meters. This will require all buses and bus stops to have bluetooth beacon installed. The Bluetooth at the bus stop will be able to detect the Bluetooth on buses that are approaching, and then inform the user's Bluetooth-enabled cellphone of which buses are arriving. However, the downside is that when multiple buses arrive at the same bus stop around the same time, not all buses will stop at the bus stop. Without bus driver knowing that a person wishes to board, the person will have to figure out where the bus is at. This is difficult for people who have visual impairment. This leads to the third solution. In this case, a transit web service is established as a hub to connect buses, bus stops, and smartphones. Buses sends GPS coordinates to the web service in real-time to update bus schedules, and the web service makes this information available at bus stops and Smartphones via 3G networks. To request a pick-up, a user standing at a bus stop sends a request to the web service, web service configures which bus to forward the request to using the real-time transit database, forwards the request to this bus, and finally, bus responds to user via the web service. When the bus arrives, the driver will stop the bus at the bus stop, and announce the bus number using a microphone or some other voice system so that the blind person know if it is the right bus to board.

To achieve the goal and objectives, a preliminary design of the Smart Bus System was proposed featuring functions of three categories:

a. On-board

b. Bus stop

c. Portable user interface.


Figure 2 illustrates a preliminary design of a smart bus with on-board advancements. Firstly, with the "Next-stop" display and voice announcing system, passengers will know where they are and when to get off the bus. People unfamiliar with the route or area will be more likely to take buses as the announcing system provides a navigation guide. Secondly, the passenger data collected from the Automatic Passenger Counter (APC) will be translated into statuses for people to know the seat availability on a bus. The transit dispatch center can use this information to determine the need to dispatch extra buses during peak-passenger hours. Thirdly, sensors on bike racks will report the number of bike racks available. Cyclers will be more willing to take buses by knowing beforehand if bike racks are full. Lastly, through the on-board GPS device and the RF link, the transit center will be able to gather transit data collected from buses in real-time. A set of desired functionalities and proposed infrastructures are summarized in Table 4.

?�述: F:\Dropbox\ELEC 399\Proposal June 23\Diagrams\Jessie's revision\1. on-board.jpg

Figure 2: Smart bus

Table 4: On-board technology

Desired Functionality

Proposed Infrastructure and Technology

"Next Stop" announcement

LCD display


Real-time position tracking

GPS antenna

GPS microcontroller chips

GPS navigation for bus drivers

On-board computer with VGA display

Inform the bus stop when bus arrives

Bluetooth beacon

Estimate bus capacity and availability

Automatic Passenger Counter (APC)


Report bike rack availability

Position or load sensors on bike racks

Communicating with transit control center

RF link implementing GPRS protocol

Bus Stop

Figure 3 illustrates a preliminary design of a smart bus stop. Real-time passenger information will be displayed at bus stops. Bus stops will be equipped with an RF link to receive data from the transit center, LCD to display real-time transit data, and a Bluetooth beacon to communicate with Bluetooth-enabled cell phones at the bus stop. As well, to increase safety, camera surveillance will be added and remote bus stops will have LED lights. Finally, all the real-time information will be available via website and a Smartphone app. Specifically, the app will feature real-time schedule, trip planner, bus stop locator and bus arriving alarm. The alarm will assist special needs people by alerting their phone when and which bus arrives. In more details, a bus stop will detect a Bluetooth-enabled Smartphone within a range and allow the app to transfer information displayed at the bus stop to the Smartphone. When the bus arrives, the bus stop will alert the person(s) at the bus stop using voice or vibration function of the cell phone and at the same time send a signal to let the bus know someone with special needs wishes to board. A set of desired functionalities and proposed infrastructures are summarized in Table 5.

Figure 3: Smart bus stop

Table 5: Bus stop technology

Desired Functionality

Proposed Infrastructure and Technology

Receive real-time passenger information from the transit control center:

Real-time schedule

Bus capacity / availability

Bike rack availability

Priority seats availability

RF link implementing GPRS protocol

Display passenger information of next buses

LCD display

Short range communication:

Transfer passenger information to user mobiles

Notice a bus-arriving event

Bluetooth beacon

Camera surveillance

Camera on top of bus stop taking photos every certain interval

Lighting in remote area

LED light with infrared sensor

Provide static transit information as a backup

Paper schedule

Bus route map locating all bus stops

Transit assistance hotline

Cab hotline

Support money change

Change machines at major bus stops

User Interface

Figure 4 illustrates three ways a user can access transit data: a. Website, b. Phone, and c. Smartphone. Transit data gathered by the trdansit center will be made available on the internet and to the phone service provider. Users can check schedules and other information via the transit website, hotline / text messages, and Smartphone apps. Users can also download real-time transit data from a bus stop through Bluetooth. This provides an alternative way of perceiving information displayed at the bus stop. By translating the text to voice on their Smartphone, visually impaired people will be able to "see" the display at a bus stop and get notified when and which bus is arriving. A set of desired functionalities and proposed infrastructures are summarized in Table 6.

?�述: F:\Dropbox\ELEC 399\Proposal June 23\Diagrams\Jessie's revision\3. user interfaces.png

Figure 4: User interface

Table 6: Portable user interface

Desired Functionality

Proposed Platform

Real-time passenger information



Phone service provider

Real-time map with bus flow and bus stops



Real-time trip planner

Google trip planner

Bus arriving alarm


Multilanguage support
