Canassist meeting
1. CanGo project
Goals: Creating mobile application for people with brain injury
Motivation: HandyDart system is too slow and not user-friendly(pre-book schedule)
-GPS technology
-alert function for getting on and getting off the bus
-send notification instead of making phone calls
2. Bus stop(comments from Leo):
-might not be possible for an app to scan bluetooth
-research on limitation of the phone
-might need to pair to each bus stop
-security problem
-consider different communication ways
-send notification to phone indirectly(may via transit centre)
-recommendation: QR Code to identify the bus stop connected to the server
3. Visual impairment person. How do they get notified?
-vibration is the best way to nofify when the bus arrives and on the bus
-voice annoucement
4. BCTransit
-sensitive to publish data
5. Protocol
-know when the bus will come at home instead of to bus stop and scan QR code
-since it is not possible to create an app that is suitable for everyone
-need different interfaces
-test different technologies and compare differences
-is there any improvements on each technologies?
-allow expansion on existing app
6. OS: BlackBerry based on funding
-language: html Java (BB), Java(Android), Apple iOS
7. Power Supply: no comments
-information: HandyDart has GPS tracking but not open to public Seattle transit system GTFS